The Benefits of Pumpkin for the Body

Let's talk about a vegetable that is in the "top ten" of the richest by vitally important antioxidants and vitamins. At a fairly low calorie pumpkin, its benefit to the body is more than obvious. Pleasant orange pulp contains in large quantities polyphenolic antioxidants and carotene, which in our bodies turns into provitamin A.

Pumpkins vary greatly in shape, size and color. Giant pumpkins, as a rule, weigh 4-6 kg. The largest specimens sometimes reach a weight of more than 25 kg. There are pumpkins are flat, very small in size, with sweet creamy flesh of orange color. The main color of the pumpkin is orange or yellow; but some varieties range from dark to light shades of green, brown, white, red and gray.

Usually this bright vegetable is remembered only in the fall, on the eve of Halloween. Absolutely in vain: the use of pumpkin for the human body is obvious all year round, and it is not necessary for this to stuff it with candles and cut out complex figures in the walls.

The Benefits of Pumpkin in the Food Composition

Carotene, which many in the composition of this vegetable, a lot of useful properties. It is involved in maintaining the health of the skin, mucous membranes, vision, nervous system, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Vitamin A is very important during pregnancy, as it is directly involved in the development of the fetus. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of protein, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. Pumpkin also contains a considerable amount of B vitamins, as well as copper, calcium , potassium and phosphorus.

In 100 grams of pumpkin contains only 26 calories, while there is no saturated fat and cholesterol. The utility of the pumpkin in weight loss programs to date is confirmed by nutritionists around the world. Even pumpkin seeds contain the ideal fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids that will support the body in the process of losing weight.

The Benefits of Pumpkin for the Liver

Those who suffer from viral hepatitis A, can include natural pumpkin juice in their usual diet. It is better, of course, to cook it at home on your own. Biologically active substances contained in it, help in the activation of liver function. Pumpkin juice is also very useful in anemia and with certain diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Pumpkin for weight loss

Diet on the pumpkin - one of the most sparing and effective. The fact is that the composition of pumpkin fiber and fibers allows you to keep the appetite in check, slowing down digestion in general and increasing the body's immunity in general.

Below we propose to adopt a simple recipe that can be included in your limited diet, despite the fact that during cooking, there is frying.

Pumpkin soup



Prepare pumpkin puree: peel the pumpkin, cut into slices and cook with sugar or salt (depending on the preference). The cooking time depends on the volume and type of pumpkin and usually takes from 15 to 25 minutes. Then grind the resulting product blender. Fry in a dry frying pan a handful of cumin seeds, then crush them. On a spoonful of olive oil fry three slices of garlic. Take a glass of pumpkin puree and add to the fried garlic. Add a pinch of fresh ginger , grated on a grater, and half a cup of water to the total mixture. Then season with salt and let the dish boil. Serve with cream and a little black pepper.