
To date, about 70 species of this plant are known. The birthplace of the flower is the savanna of tropical Africa and Asia. One of the most common species is Sansevieria three-striped. The natural habitat is West Africa. The plant has a fairly thick rhizome. Leaves are elongate, with a pointed point and a pointed vertex. Sansevieria grows up to one and a half meters in height, the width of the sheets is about 7 cm. The leaves have a dark green color with light transverse bands. The plant can bloom. Its flowers reach a length of 4 cm, have a greenish-white hue, the inflorescence is racemose. There are sansevierii this species with different colors. The stripes can have a golden-yellow hue and are located at the edges. The most popular types of saunsevieria are undersized varieties, in which the rosette is fleshy and leaves no longer than 10 cm, have light horizontal stripes.

Sansevieria cylindrical is another popular species. This species has a thicker rhizome. The leaves are dark green, with deep longitudinal grooves, have a cylindrical shape. Their diameter is about 2 cm. At the ends of the plant, a slightly dried tip is seen, and the sheets expand to the bottom. From the sinuses of the lower leaves come out hard rooting shoots. The flowers are painted white with a pink tint.

Sansevieria: reproduction

You can propagate a flower in two ways:

Sanseveria Care

Now consider the basic rules of plant care:

  1. The plant perfectly tolerates bright light and penumbra. But in bright lighting, the species characteristics in the form of bands are better.
  2. Watering is a moderate one. Water should only be after the earthen debris completely dry. The fact is that the flower has a special water-bearing fabric, located in the center of the leaf. It is there that stores moisture. In the winter it is enough to water only twice a month. Watering the flower, try not to spill water on the socket core.
  3. Comfort temperature in summer does not exceed 27 ° С. Differences for the plant are not terrible, and it can easily transfer heat. In the cold period of the year, it is sufficient not to allow the temperature to drop below 12 ° C.
  4. The transplantation of saunsevieria is carried out only after the root system is completely entangled in the earth coma. According to the experience of those who already have such a flower, it is enough to transplant only once every three years. For the transplant, it is allowed to use the prepared mixture from the store. Independently you can mix two parts of the turf ground, one part humus and sand. The older the plant, the less often it needs a transplant. Remember that its weight will not allow you to cope alone. It is better to do this together, so as not to break the leaves.
  5. Among the diseases most often occurs leaf drying. The problem can arise when the watering is wrong (too abundant) or at a low temperature (about 5 ° C).