Swine flu in pregnancy

Each future mother tries to protect herself from possible diseases during the period of bearing of the baby. However, if it is not possible to prevent the onset of the disease, the first reaction of the pregnant woman to this situation is stress, especially if it is a virus of the disease, such as swine flu, which during pregnancy can also take place. Let's look at it in more detail and tell you about the features of the treatment.

What are the main symptoms of swine flu?

In order to differentiate the disorder in time and contact the doctor as soon as possible, every future mother should imagine the main symptoms of swine flu. To such it is possible to carry:

As can be seen from these symptoms, it is impossible to single out any specific sign of this disease. All of them are typical for any viral disease. Therefore, in order to accurately identify the virus, a woman needs to see a doctor. It is also worth noting that swine flu, including during pregnancy, can occur without fever. In this case, the pregnant woman herself notes increased fatigue, weakness.

How is swine flu treated during pregnancy?

The therapeutic process of this disease during gestation is carried out in the same way as in ordinary patients, but nevertheless has its own peculiarities.

So, among the antiviral drugs most often prescribed are such medications as Oseltamivir, Tamiflu, Relenza. In this case, the dosage and the frequency of reception are strictly individual and indicated by the doctor who prescribed the treatment. These drugs are most effective at the initial stages of the disease. Typically, the duration of therapy with such drugs is 5 days.

To reduce body temperature when it rises above 38.5 degrees, doctors recommend the use of acetaminophen. As with any viral disease, to reduce the degree of influence on the body of toxins that are excreted by the pathogen, doctors recommend drinking more fluid. It is very important to comply with bed rest.

Basics of preventing swine flu in pregnancy

The greatest role in preventive measures aimed at preventing swine flu is played by vaccination. It can also be carried out in pregnant women. Obligatory order of this kind of vaccine is done to future mothers who in the recent past had contact with the carrier of the swine flu virus or sick with this disease.

If we talk in general about how to protect yourself from swine flu during pregnancy, then first of all every woman expecting the appearance of a baby should observe the following rules:

What are the consequences of swine flu in pregnancy?

Like any viral disease that occurred during gestation, swine flu can lead to negative consequences: from the development of congenital malformations (most often affects the cardiovascular system), to the death of the fetus and the development of spontaneous abortion. Therefore, it is very important to identify the disease as early as possible and begin treatment.