Swimming pool in kindergarten

Water procedures play not the least role in the process of formation of children's immunity. Swimming strengthens the cardiovascular system, relieves the musculoskeletal system, beneficially affects the work of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation. And if we take into account how much joy and delight water procedures bring to the kids, then the reasons why the majority of parents make their choice in favor of kindergartens with a swimming pool are quite clear.

However, do not forget that bathing can have a number of negative consequences. If the rules and safety standards are not observed, classes in the swimming pool in the kindergarten can negatively affect the health of the child, cause colds and injuries.

Basic rules and rules for visiting the pool in kindergarten

The document from the district doctor and the written permission of the parents is the first thing that a nurse of a kindergarten should require for admission to classes in the pool. As a rule, if the children are healthy, then the doctors have nothing against water procedures. If there are some health problems, then the pediatrician can forbid visiting the pool.

Knowingly choosing kindergartens with a swimming pool, parents should be prepared that they have to pay for classes with an instructor and purchase the necessary bathing accessories, such as rubber slippers, bathrobe , towels, soap, a washcloth, a hat and bathing glasses.

At the beginning of the session, the rules of conduct are discussed. Children should clearly understand that in the pool you can not loudly shout, mess about, perform the coach's commands, and also before showering and after visiting.

In addition, swimming among the youngest athletes have a number of features: