What determines the sex of the child?

It is difficult to imagine a family life without children. But often mom and dad, or someone one of them very much want to either a son or a daughter. And then the question arises, what determines the sex of the child and whether it is possible to raise the probability of the birth of a boy or girl before conception. As is known, the female egg contains only the X chromosome, while the sperm can be a carrier of both the X chromosome and the Y chromosome, in a ratio of 50 to 50.

When the ovum is fertilized with the spermatozoon of the first group, a combination of chromosomes XX is obtained, which means the birth of a baby female. When you combine XY, you become the boy's parents. Therefore, if you are seriously worried about who exactly you will have, it is important to understand what the sex of the future child depends on.

Factors that affect sexual characteristics

During intercourse in the vagina, women get from 300 to 500 million spermatozoa. As they fall into an acidic environment, most of them immediately die. Only the most persistent spermatozoa survive by switching to cervical mucus, which has a slightly alkaline reaction, and begin their journey through the fallopian tube, seeking to fertilize the egg. It is at this stage is laid, whether the baby will love to mess around with typewriters or play dolls.

Even now in the scientific community, disputes continue over whether the sex of a child depends on a man or a woman, but most likely, both parents are more or less responsible for who will be born to them. Let's consider in what cases boys are born more often, and in what girls:

  1. Spermatozoa, which are carriers of the X chromosome, move at a slower rate than their fellow Y-chromosome carriers. Therefore, if fertilization occurs on the day of ovulation or the day after it (14-15 day of the standard menstrual cycle), then the faster Y-spermatozoa will reach the ovule faster than the X-competitors, so the boy will be born. On the other hand, their X-competitors are more viable, so if a sexual intercourse happened a couple of days before ovulation (12-13th day of the cycle with its normal duration), one of them will most likely fertilize the ovum. Then it is worth waiting for the girl.
  2. Although modern geneticists claim that the sex of the child is completely dependent on the man, some researchers say that the mother is also able to influence who exactly she is born with. To do this, you must adhere to a certain diet. If a woman dreams of an heir, it is advised to introduce as much meat products as possible into the diet, rice and semolina, dried fruit, potatoes, and also tea and alkaline mineral water. And in order to become the mother of the long-awaited girl, it is necessary to give preference to vegetables (except potatoes), dairy products, fish, eggs, sweets, jams, nuts, and also to drink more mineral water enriched with calcium. Thus, the answer to the question, whether the sex of the child depends on the woman, will also be positive.
  3. There is a theory that if you refrain from being near two or three months, then a girl will appear. If a man practices frequent sexual acts, the birth of a boy to a married couple is guaranteed.
  4. Studying the problem of which of the parents depends on the sex of the child, the specialists faced with the fact that if the father's family was predominantly male, then, most likely, it is worth waiting for the birth of an heir.
  5. It is also believed that if you conceive a child in the even month of the year (February, April, etc.), then you will become the girl's parents, but if you are planning a boy, it is better to plan a conception for an odd month (January, March, etc .).