Effects of IVF on Women's Health

Quite often, women who decided to conduct IVF, are interested in the issue of possible negative consequences of this procedure. There is a lot of frightening information about this. Let's try to understand and find out, with what consequences for the health women after IVF can face.

What disturbs mums after the procedure of artificial insemination?

One of the most common complications of this procedure is the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. He is due to the fact that the very procedure of IVF is preceded by a course of hormone therapy, which in turn is aimed at increasing the number of ripening follicles. As a result, the sex glands themselves increase in size, which often leads to the formation of cysts.

With hyperactive ovaries, women complain about:

This kind of disorder is treated out-patient, by prescribing hormonal drugs. With a large size of the cysts, a surgical operation can be prescribed.

With what other consequences for the organism can face women after IVF?

If hyperstimulation occurs quite often and is easily amenable to correction, then there are other, so-called immediate consequences, which directly depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. Among them are:

Among the long-term consequences of IVF for women's health, the most exciting is oncology, which in most cases is a myth of opponents of the procedure. In fact, no studies have been carried out on this account.

But cardiomyopathy - a change in the state of the heart muscle, without the pathology of the valvular apparatus - can develop 1-2 years after the procedure. It leads to an increase in the permeability of the vascular walls, which ultimately reduces the elasticity of the muscle. In such cases the woman needs treatment, which is prescribed individually.