Stewed Asparagus Beans - recipes

You can find useful food, like the asparagus beans, tasteless, but in fact you just need to choose a recipe in the nature. A couple of ideas we throw in this material. Ready asparagus in a sauce or with vegetable supplements can be served to any side dishes or there is just so, with a slice of bread.

Stewed Asparagus Beans with Vegetables



After rinsing the green feces, dry it and cut it, removing dense veins.

In the brazier, heat the vegetable oil and use it to fry the chopped fennel bulb. Add to the fried fennel tomato in its own juice and cook all together for 8 minutes. Next, pour the broth and add all the spices. Give half of the broth to evaporate, and then put the pod string beans together with the greens of the feces to the contents of the brazier. Stew together for another 5 minutes.

Asparagus beans stewed in tomato sauce



Spasertuyte rings onions on a hot in the brazier olive oil. When the onion rings are held on the fire for at least 5 minutes, put the garlic cloves passed through the press and wait another minute. To fry in the brazier, place the bean pods, fill them with tomatoes in their own juice and dry red wine. Prepare the asparagus stew for at least 45 minutes or until soft, and then season with paprika and pepper.

If you want to repeat the recipe for this asparagus bean in the multivark, after adding the onions, add all the ingredients at the same time, turn on the "Quenching" mode and cook everything for 50-55 minutes.

Asparagus beans stewed in sour cream



Blanch the string beans in salted boiling water for about 5 minutes. Pour the pods with iced water and pat dry.

Separately, save the semicircles of onions with the garlic passed through the press. To fry add mushrooms and let the moisture evaporate from them. Sprinkle all the flour, pour the broth and sour cream, let the sauce thicken, and already in it, put blanched bean pods. Cook for 20 more minutes in a preheated to 165 degree oven.