Lincas - syrup for children

Cure a child's cough quickly and easily - pharmaceutical companies offer parents a lot of solutions to the task. But, the problem is that among the many drugs it is very difficult to find a really effective and safe medicine. Many doctors consider such a cough syrup for Linkas children. Let's get acquainted with the annotation of this drug, as well as its basic pharmacological action.

Composition and spectrum of action of baby syrup from Linkas cough

A productive cough with viscous sputum is a true companion of many diseases of the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract. It is with him called to fight syrup from cough for children Linkas. According to the manufacturer, the preparation has a unique composition of plant origin. An impressive list of medicinal plants includes: leaves adhatodes, familiar to everyone licorice root, fruits of long pepper, fragrant violet, hyssop leaves, cordage fruits, althaea flowers and other herbal ingredients. All components in combination have anti-inflammatory, expectorant action, eliminate spasm, lower temperature. In other words, with a wet cough, Linkas reduces the viscosity of phlegm and facilitates expectoration, and also has a favorable effect on the general well-being of the child.

How to take Lindas syrup to children?

Assigning the drug to adults and children, pediatricians are guided by the patient's age group, its weight and the nature of the course of the disease. However, if clear instructions about the dosage from the doctor did not follow, you can refer to the instructions for the use of children's syrup about cough Linkas, where the following recommendations are sounded:

Contraindications to the syrup intake Linkas

Given that the drug has a purely vegetable origin, many parents start giving it to their baby without first consulting a doctor. This decision is very reckless, since the syrup Linkas has its contraindications. For example, if the baby takes other medicines, their compatibility with Linkas, the pediatrician should determine. Uniquely, the drug is contraindicated in conjunction with drugs that block the cough reflex. In addition, in this case, the character of the cough is extremely important, so with a dry, unproductive cough, the syrup will not have the desired effect, or even do much harm. Also, follow the precautions necessary if the baby is allergic. It appears in the composition of the drug and sugar, respectively, to children suffering from diabetes mellitus, it is contraindicated. With regard to age restrictions, the crumbs, who have not reached the age of 6 months, are not allowed to take the medicine.

Drug analogues

If you have doubts about the effectiveness and safety of the cough syrup for Linkas children, you can pay attention to its analogues. This is similar in composition and action syrup Herbion, ACTS, Lazolvan, Doctor Mom, Dr. Tays, Bromhexine.