Bronchitis in infants

Bronchitis in infants is nothing more than an inflammatory disease of the bronchi, which is accompanied by the formation of sputum in them.


Depending on what the disease is caused, isolate: infectious, bacterial and allergic forms. In addition, this pathology can be provoked by harmful substances, which by their action can irritate the mucous tissue of the lungs. Therefore, not every form of bronchitis requires antibiotic therapy.

In terms of duration:

Signs of bronchitis in young children

Symptoms of bronchitis in infants are no different from those of an adult:

It is very important to differentiate bronchitis and normal nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the nasopharynx), which inflames the nasal mucosa. Therefore, many parents are afraid that phlegm and mucus is not lowered. It's not worth worrying, because this can not happen. Inflammation of the lungs, which is a complication of bronchitis, develops as a result of infection with it.

Quite often bronchitis has a smooth beginning without a fever in the infant and without an obvious cough with phlegm. These signs are characteristic for the atypical form, which is caused by chlamydia and mycoplasma.

A distinctive feature of the viral form of the disease may be a clear, with a yellowish tinge, sputum. The intoxication thus is poorly expressed, and fast enough improvement comes even before the beginning of treatment.

Treatment of bronchitis

Treatment of bronchitis in an infant requires compliance with the following conditions:

  1. Ample, warm drink. As a rule, in such a state the baby refuses food, so the need for liquid only increases. In addition, the liquid will only promote the excretion of phlegm. You can give teas, compotes, juices, or simple boiled water.
  2. Sufficient humidity in the room. To do this, it is better to use a special device - a humidifier. If it is not available, you can replace it with a wet sheet.
  3. Control of body temperature. Today, pediatricians recommend not to bring down the temperature below 38 C, because it only stimulates immunity and prevents reproduction of viruses, microorganisms, which cause the disease.