Colitis of the intestine - symptoms and treatment

Colitis of the intestine is most common in men in the period from 40 to 60 years, as well as in women - from 20 to 60 years. This disease is manifested by inflammation of the colon due to improper digestion. Symptoms of colitis are very pronounced, and treatment, as a rule, requires immediate action.

Symptoms of Colitis of the Intestine

In its course, the disease is divided into two forms: chronic and acute.

  1. Acute colitis of the intestine is manifested: the person feels severe pain in the abdomen of an acute nature, nausea and general weakness. The patient has a frequent need for defecation, a bloating occurs.
  2. Chronic colitis is accompanied by periodic fading of acute symptoms. A person feels heaviness in the abdomen, squeezing. After defecation the pain passes, but in rare cases it can persist for several hours after emptying.

With a prolonged course of the disease and lack of treatment, a person constantly experiences a decline in strength, has an asthenic physique.

Causes of Colitis of the Intestine

Most often, colitis develops due to problems in digestion: insufficient fermentation, impaired excretion of gastric juice, problems with cholic.

Depending on what causes colitis, physicians created a classification of the etiology of the disease:

  1. Ulcerative colitis is caused, mainly, by heredity and various autoimmune diseases. Also ulcerative colitis can cause an infection that gets into the body with food.
  2. Infectious colitis has a pronounced picture, and, as a rule, does not cause guesses in identifying the cause, because it is caused by a pathogenic microflora: streptococcus, staphylococcus, dysentery, E. coli.
  3. Ischemic colitis occurs when the aorta that supplies the blood to the large intestine is affected. Such colitis can occur with atherosclerosis .
  4. Toxic colitis occurs when poisoning with poisons or an overdose of drugs.
  5. Radiation colitis manifests itself in radiation sickness.

How to cure colitis of the intestine?

Treatment of colitis should be complex, which means taking a variety of remedies that eliminate the symptoms and the cause of the disease.

The treatment can be divided into two parts: the main part - with the help of medications, as well as additional, where folk remedies are used.

Doubts that herbs and natural ingredients can positively affect the condition, no, but often cure colitis only with the help of broths is impossible.

Treatment of intestinal colitis with medicines

The first medicines that are taken from colitis of the intestine with acute pains are pain relievers, and those that relieve spasms. These include Noshpa, Spazmalgon and their analogues.

Antibiotics for colon colitis are prescribed if the patient is infected with an infection. In this case, the doctor selects a medicine that minimally harms the body. The fact is that colitis often occurs due to impaired intestinal microflora, the state of which worsens when taking antibiotics. Therefore, when appointing these drugs, the doctor should prescribe the medicine that promotes the spread of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

In order to normalize the stool, the doctor prescribes lactulose-based laxatives or antidiarrheal drugs (for example, Loperamide).

Also, an important factor in the recovery is the observance of diet No. 4a .

Treatment of intestinal colitis with folk remedies

Herbs in colon colitis are used to improve the digestion: for this daily in large quantities take tea with chamomile and mint. These herbs contribute to the removal of the inflammatory process. For constipation, it is recommended that the patient take 1 time a day of gooseberry juice for 1 tbsp. l. With diarrhea, connoisseurs of folk medicine recommend drinking decoctions of blueberries and oak bark.