How to make a scarecrow with your own hands?

Since ancient times people used scarecrows from birds in their gardens, in gardens, in fields to protect their crops. Today the scarecrow made by own hands for the garden can become not only a protection, but also an adornment that will amuse passers-by. Such a functional article in the manufacture is so simple that even a beginner can master this "science". However, such a simple matter requires knowledge of certain nuances and cunnings.

First you need to figure out what and how exactly the garden stuffed scare the birds. The main task in making a scarecrow is to make it as similar to a human being as possible. In addition, it must be large (for intimidation) and very bright (to attract). The combination of such factors also serves as the basis from which it is necessary to build off, creating our garden weapons against pests.

It is equally important to properly place a doll-scarecrow on the site. It should be located to the protected objects as close as possible, and the best option is to install several scares at once.

Currently, there are a lot of opinions about efficiency. Culturologists say that people have long been installing dolls and scarecrows in order to scare off evil spirits and improve the quality of the crop. Grandmothers were confident in the abilities of these scarecrows, who protected their owners from evil eye and spoilage . And today many people think that such dolls are not effective at all. But if you firmly decided that the scarecrow on your site be, then bravely proceed to its creation, taking advantage of our advice!

Master of Scarecrow

Before you make a scarecrow in the garden with your own hands, prepare the following materials:

Obviously, making a scarecrow is not at all costly. All necessary must be found in the bins of any gardener and gardener.

  1. Fasten the two sticks crosswise. The two-meter-high will be an imitation of the trunk, and the meter one will be the hands. In doing so, do not forget that the long rake will have to be buried 20-25 centimeters into the ground, so fasten it proportionally so that the body is as scary as possible in proportion to the human body.
  2. The head of our garden doll is made of sackcloth, densely packed with straw. Form the oval and proceed to coloring the face. The eyes should be bright and large. They can be painted or done by sewing dark buttons.
  3. Now we give the finished skeleton a volume, tying it with straw. The more puffy will be the scarecrow, the better.
  4. It's time to attach the head to the frame with the help of a wire and find the best place for a bugbear in the garden or vegetable garden. We dig the doll deeper, so that the wind can not knock it down.
  5. And now - the most pleasant and interesting work - dressing and decorating a scarecrow. In addition to the trousers and the loose shirt that flies off in the wind, the doll's head can be decorated with rags and a hat. In the hands of the scarecrow we attach a broom or a rake. And it's ready!

Interesting ideas

Scarecrow should scare only birds, so it's not necessary to make a terrible and gloomy doll. The more it is brighter and more creative, the more unusual your dacha site will look like. A garden scarecrow made of plastic bottles to scare uninvited birds will not only look, but also sounds. However, such a doll should be installed away from home, so that in windy weather the sounds do not prevent you from sleeping.

Scarecrow can be so different that armed with imagination, you will be able to create with your own hands just such a doll, which will be both effective and beautiful!