The baby has a stomach ache - what can I give?

Any discomfort of children worries parents and requires additional care. Therefore, adults often look for answers to questions: what to do if a child has a strong stomachache, help, and how to heal.

It is also important to recognize the causes of these or other symptoms in time to provide the necessary assistance.

Why can a stomachache hurt a child?

In newborns, a frequent cause of concern is the congestion of gazicks, colic. If the child has a strong stomach ache, he cries, then you can give dill vodichki, because it has sedative, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. And it is very useful for the developing digestive system of the baby. Lightweight massage of the abdomen is also useful. But the correct feeding of the baby is especially important.

In older children, the causes of abdominal pain are much greater. Consider them.

  1. Acute appendicitis, pancreatitis and peritonitis. These diseases can be difficult to recognize on their own; the symptoms are rather blurred. The child complains of pain in the navel, sometimes can vomit, tear. Often, at this time, children sleep poorly and behave restlessly.
  2. Intestinal invagination - the introduction of one part of the intestine into the lumen of another. Often occurs in children up to a year. The disease is indicated by repeated attacks, when the abdomen is very sore, vomiting occurs, the child refuses food and turns pale. Body temperature can be normal.
  3. Enterocolitis. It is accompanied by fever, abdominal pain (in the navel area), a mushy stool. Treatment of this disease is often performed in infectious hospitals, although at the discretion of the doctor can be appointed and home care.
  4. Infringement of an inguinal hernia. If you do not recognize the disease in time, it can lead to the necrosis of part of the intestine. Concomitant symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, child anxiety, pallor and sweating.
  5. Appendicitis, pancreatitis, peritonitis, intestinal invagination, enterocolitis and infringement of inguinal hernia can be accurately recognized only in a hospital environment, so if there is a suspicion of these diseases, the child is hospitalized. It is important for parents to understand that when a child tears, he complains of frequent pain in the abdomen, you need to see a doctor. It is better to be safe than to start a dangerous illness.

  6. Dysentery is common in children. It is an infectious disease that is accompanied by a loose stool, vomiting, chills and fever. Treatment includes bed rest, a plentiful drink (to prevent dehydration of the body) and a special diet.
  7. Constipation is a common cause of child anxiety. Parents will notice that the child has not defecated for several days, the feces are dry and hard, and all this is accompanied by pain.
  8. Worms and other parasites. Symptoms: deterioration of appetite, vomiting, teeth grinding in a dream. To prevent this disease, you need to teach the child the right hygiene and once a year to carry out preventive treatment.
  9. Poisoning by poor-quality food, drugs is often accompanied by deterioration of health, vomiting, fever, liquid stool. In this case, doctors recommend that the stomach be emptied and often water the child with warm water in small portions.
  10. ARVI and other respiratory diseases. It happens that tonsillitis and ARI are accompanied by pain in the abdomen. This is due to the fact that in the human body the work of all organs is interrelated. If the course of the underlying disease passes without complications, then special treatment is often not required. On a question, than to anesthetize, if the child with ARVI has a stomach ache, doctors recommend antispasmodic drugs on a plant basis.
  11. Psychological problems. If the child has experienced an emotional shock, then this can cause abdominal pain. An attentive parent can notice changes in the psychological mood of their children. A good confidential conversation, a joint solution of the problem, or an appeal to a psychologist will help here.

After considering the reasons, let's examine the questions: what to feed the child, when the stomach hurts, what can be taken, what to give a drink in this situation: