Symptoms of dysbiosis

Infringement of balance of microflora in a human body is accepted in medical practice to name a dysbacteriosis. This is a very common phenomenon that affects people at any age. In most cases, this pathological condition develops against the backdrop of diseases of internal systems, for example, failures in the work of the digestive organs. But there are other factors contributing to this imbalance. Symptoms of dysbacteriosis are interrelated with such factors:

Even sluggish signs of dysbacteriosis in adults (or children) should not be ignored. These are alarming signalers that help to identify a pathological condition at an early stage.

What are the signs of intestinal dysbacteriosis?

At each stage of imbalance of microflora, certain symptoms are noted. But the more common signs:

  1. Early stage. Her first signs of dysbiosis are more prone to her. There is a slight imbalance between the normal microflora and the pathogenic microflora. Symptoms at this stage are poorly expressed. They can be limited only to intestinal disorders.
  2. Stage, which indicates an insufficient number of enzymes produced by the intestine. Hence the first accompanying sign - the heaviness in the abdomen . Food is not digested. Inside, the fermentation process is intense. It is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, constipation or opposite diarrhea. However, the same symptoms are also characteristic of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a patient who has these signs of intestinal dysbacteriosis should immediately seek qualified medical help.
  3. The stage at which pathogenic microorganisms provoke inflammation. At this stage, the symptomatology is more pronounced. Patients report intense pains of a cutting nature in the abdomen. In addition, these unpleasant sensations are accompanied by nausea, dizziness and vomiting. In stools, undigested food fragments are observed. In addition, the inflammatory process is accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature.
  4. Stage, on which the microflora of the intestine is represented mainly by pathogenic inhabitants. Due to the fact that the body loses valuable substances with food, avitaminosis develops. The result of the vital activity of pathogenic microflora are toxins - they enter the bloodstream and cause a severe allergic reaction. Auxiliary signs of intestinal dysbiosis in women at this stage - insomnia, apathy, eczema, urticaria , etc.

This pathological condition is easier to correct at the initial stages. Launched the same form can provoke serious diseases of the digestive system. It is worth noting that most often a woman (and a man) signs of intestinal dysbacteriosis appear after antibiotics or against a background of a sharp decrease in the body's immune forces.

What are the signs of vaginal dysbiosis?

The microorganisms inhabiting here can be conditionally divided into 2 groups:

Useful are lactobacilli. They create a weakly acid medium inside the vagina. In a healthy woman, the number of lactobacilli significantly exceeds the number of pathogenic microorganisms. Imbalance is noted in case of violation such an equilibrium.

The initial stage can be asymptomatic. Often this pathological phenomenon is accompanied by such signs:

All this indicates a violation of microflora. You should not hesitate to contact the doctor.