Oral Cancer

Malignant neoplasms can affect the lips, tonsils, palatine tissue, tongue, gums, internal mucous membranes of the cheeks. Similar diseases are rare, they make up only 1.5-2% of the total number of oncological lesions. But oral cancer is an extremely dangerous disease that quickly metastasizes to nearby organs and lymph nodes.

Causes of cancer on the oral mucosa

The main factor predisposing to the appearance of tumors in the considered zone is smoking, chewing tobacco and similar substances. Alcohol abuse only burdens the situation.

Other reasons:

In some situations it is not possible to find out exactly the circumstances that caused the development of the tumor.

Signs and Diagnosis of Oral Cancer

In the early stages of progression, it is difficult to identify the described pathology. Therefore, it is so important to visit the dentist regularly for preventive examinations.

With the development of the tumor, symptoms begin to appear:

Diagnosis includes the following manipulations:

Treatment of cancer of the oral cavity

The method of combating cancer depends on the variety, form and degree of pathology. It is developed strictly individually for each person on the basis of the results of the conducted studies.

The general complex scheme of treatment includes such approaches:

The expediency of using and combining these methods is assessed only by an oncologist.