Why can not you sleep with a cat?

Discussion about whether it is possible to sleep with a cat and other "friends of a person" will probably never cease.

However, if you allow pets to sleep in your bed, you can get sick, scientists say. Owners of pets are at risk of a wide variety of diseases, from worms to bubonic plague. According to statistics, out of 250 known diseases transmitted from animals to humans, domestic animals are the source of hundreds. Doctors also call less exotic health complications: mainly problems with the digestive and cardiac systems of the body.

Underground influences

Vicki Warren, an electrical engineer and a biologist with a specialization in environmental construction, is often asked by customers why she thinks that cats can not sleep. "Because they are attracted by zones of geopathic pressure," Vicki replies. The geopathic pressure is natural radiation, which arises underground, in places of natural faults, concentrations of certain minerals and flowing waters, and rises upward, causing weak distortions of electromagnetic fields. This phenomenon is dangerous for the human body. Throughout the time of sleep the brain rests half the time, and the second half is engaged in the treatment and recovery of internal organs. However, if a person sleeps where the geopathic pressure is increased, the brain does not get proper rest and eventually loses its regenerating ability.

If the cat sleeps on a person

It is believed that freedom-loving cats come to bed only to bask. Superstitious people always have an answer, why you can not sleep with a cat. And dreams, they say, will be bad, and energy will be lost.

Usually a cat sleeps in the legs, but some signs predict trouble if the animal decides to move closer to the head. Scientists and veterinarians say that there is nothing to worry about. Thus, the animal wants to express its affection and closeness to the master. However, it is better to disaccustom the pet from the bed, because almost all, even the most inveterate cohabitants, sooner or later recognize that cats do not allow them to sleep at night. Cats, especially young ones, are very energetic, and any movement or word of a person in a dream is perceived as an invitation to play. And this deprives a person of a proper rest is no worse than any geopathic pressure.