Pain in the heart - what to do?

Pain in the heart is easily confused with the echoes of many other diseases. There are, of course, several secrets that help to identify exactly heart problems. But to be sure of the correctness of the diagnosis, it is better to communicate with a specialist, pass a number of tests, undergo a survey. The doctor will confirm (or refute) that you have a pain in your heart, what to do about this problem will tell you and give you some tips for the future.

And yet to have an idea of ​​how to treat the heart is necessary. There are different situations. Below in the article we will talk just about what measures can be taken in the event of problems with the heart.

The main methods of treatment for pain in the heart

Heart pain, like any other, can differ in the manner of its manifestation:

  1. Tingling is a signal from the nervous system. Can appear after a person is overtired.
  2. Pressing or bursting pain can indicate that you have angina .
  3. Aching pain in the heart - most likely, inflammation of the heart muscle.

And if you are tormented by constant incessant pains in the heart and weakness, treatment will be required as soon as possible. With health, and even more so with cardiac health, you can not joke, therefore, when the first suspicions appear, it is better to contact a cardiologist or even a therapist.

Treatment of pain in the heart

Since the pain in the heart can be caused by various diseases, treatment varies, depending on the cause. In no case should we forget that the treatment of any symptoms of pain in the heart should be supervised by a specialist. Self-administration of the treatment course is unacceptable.

The main methods of treatment are:

  1. Angina is best cured by fresh air and rest. In extreme cases, you can take a tablet of nitroglycerin.
  2. If the problem of heart pain is neurotic, you must guess what to do, intuitively: a valerian tablet, fresh air, a calming gull.
  3. Sharply arisen acute pain - the main sign of heart attack - precipitates a tablet of validol. You can also put the patient's legs in a bowl of mustard, diluted in hot water.
  4. The heart can ache due to increased blood pressure. In this case, first of all, you need to normalize the pressure, and the pain will eventually subside by itself.

If the pain in the heart area has arisen for the first time, and what kind of treatment you do not know, do not worry. Take forty drops of valocordin, corvalol or Validol and be sure to calm down. You can also take a pill of aspirin and analgin.

If none of the methods helped to get rid of the pain within half an hour, you need to call an ambulance.