Dress in the style of the 20's

The 20-ies of the last century is not accidentally called the "golden decade" in the history of fashion . After all, it was during this period that radical changes took place in virtually all areas that formed the traditional female image. Remained in the past XIX century feminine elegance corseted waist and wide-brimmed hats with flowers, resting on intricate hairstyles of long hair. Fashion in the style of the 20's is a boyish figure with narrow hips and a small chest, a "cold wave" on the cropped hair, small bonnets-bells and long beads in several rows. But the most dramatic changes, of course, were dresses.

The style of the 1920s - dresses

The main distinctive feature of clothes in the style of the 1920s is the emphasis on the hips. The general silhouette is designed in the form of a cylinder. Dresses are most often without sleeves with shoulder straps. If the sleeve was still present, it usually had the shape of a "winglet". When choosing fabrics, preference was given to natural light, as it were flowing materials, creating the effect of movement, changeability. The same purpose was served by the often used fringe, draperies, flounces. Traditional length dresses in the style of the 20's - just below the knee. Although over time it steadily shortened and by the end of the 1920s the most daring fashionable women wore dresses on the palm of the hand above the knee. However, for evening dresses, maxi length was allowed. But the most noticeable highlight of this style was a low waist. The hip line could be emphasized not only by the cut, but also by the girdle, scarf, drapery.

It is clear that this silhouette does not suit everyone. Dress in the style of the 20's, and at the same time look elegant and feel comfortable with a girl with a boyish figure such as "slender column" or "rectangle". But the piquancy and mischievous charge, concealed in this image, are worth the time and effort to create it!