Abortion with negative rhesus

As you know, each person has a Rh factor, which is determined by the lack or presence of a certain factor in the blood, which is called the rhesus factor. If his blood does not, then, accordingly, he has a negative rhesus. In the presence of Rh - positive.

Couples do not choose each other, based on their Rh factors. And especially this is not done by supporters of casual connections, after which there comes an unwanted pregnancy and, probably, an abortion with a negative Rh factor. In other words, the father and mother can be different. For example, if a man has a positive rhesus, and a woman is negative, then in the case of conception, the fetus can take the rhesus of the father. Then the mother's organism will perceive the factor of the fetus as something alien and try to destroy it, producing antibodies. These antibodies can cause serious illness in the fetus. That's why doctors strongly do not recommend abortion with a negative Rhesus factor.

Consequences of abortion with negative rhesus

Despite the fact that the medicine is developing and there are many different drugs that help to stop the Rhesus-conflict , it is better not to do the first abortion with a negative Rhesus, to prevent the deplorable consequences.

If a woman has a negative Rh factor, abortion significantly increases the risk of remaining sterile. However, there is no difference, medical abortion with negative rhesus was carried out, or surgical. The body received a signal to fight when pregnancy occurred. With each subsequent pregnancy, the antibodies will be ready to be more serious to this fight, striking the erythrocyte of the fetus. Therefore, in many cases during pregnancy, rhesus conflict after abortion is inevitable. First of all, you must inform your doctor about the abortion.