Vegetable soup for weight loss

The main element of this diet for weight loss is lean vegetable soup. When using such a diet, soup should be eaten at least three times a day, but it is possible and more often, as soon as there is a feeling of hunger. In day it is necessary to eat 2-3 liters of soup. It can be cooked for future use, but it is better to cook fresh soup.

Diet based on vegetable soup is among the top ten most popular methods for weight loss, most such soups do not contain fat and minimum calories and complex carbohydrates.

This diet is especially important in the spring, when the body suffers from avitaminosis. The diet is easy to tolerate. The feeling of saturation after just one serving of vegetable soup for weight loss, rich in fiber, lasts long enough.

Cabbage is the main ingredient of vegetable soup for weight loss

Ingredients of soup - a variety of vegetables. Most often, vegetable soups are prepared on the basis of cabbage. Can be used as white cabbage, and cauliflower, Brussels, broccoli, red and other kinds.

Cabbage is a multivitamins created by nature. Cabbage contains vegetable proteins, fiber , pectins, sugars, starch, organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic, coumarinic, tartronic), essential amino acids, mineral and other nutrients.

To cabbage, usually added onions, tomatoes, green pepper, celery, sometimes a vegetable cube (but it's best to avoid artificial ingredients and excess salt).

Vegetable cream soup for weight loss

Delicious, low-calorie vegetable soup for weight loss can also be prepared in the form of puree. Vegetable soup puree is a dish that has a delicate taste, is easily digested and looks appetizing. Ingredients of this soup are the same as in a regular vegetable soup for weight loss, but after preparation they are ground in a blender. A homogeneous mass is formed and the soup is much more delicious and it is more pleasant. In addition, the crushed ingredients are better digested and absorbed by the body.

The calorie content of vegetable soup for weight loss is very low, because it does not add products containing fats, typical for this type of soup: milk, cream, butter and so on. Only vegetables with "negative" caloric content are used.

Method of nutrition and duration of soup diet

Most soup diets for weight loss, in addition to soup, are allowed to gradually introduce into the diet some other foods: fruits (excluding bananas), green vegetables (in addition to peas and legumes), fish, low-fat boiled beef.

You can drink tea without sugar, water, vegetable juices. You can not drink alcohol, fizzy drinks, bread, fats.

The diet on vegetable soup does not contain enough calories, therefore it usually lasts from 7 to 10 days. Then in the diet should be added meat, dairy, cereal products. The main thing is not to overeat and count calories.

On vegetable soups it is good to arrange unloading days, to maintain the achieved results in losing weight.

Recipe for vegetable soup for weight loss



Cooking vegetable soup is simple. Cut vegetables into small or medium sized pieces, pour water, season with salt (if diet allows) and spices to taste. On high heat bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook until the vegetables become soft. Ready soup is better to let it brew in a warm place, so the taste will be more saturated. To improve the taste, you can add fused cheese, better the simplest without any additives.