Why do you want sweet?

Of course, it's one thing if we do not want to spoil ourselves with chocolate or cake from time to time, and completely different, when we want to consume them every day in huge quantities. So why do we always really want a sweet, with and after food, before bed and after sleep, and even at night? The reasons may be different, but we will consider the most common and most probable.

Why always very much want a sweet?

Do not know why you always want a lot of sweet at certain intervals, for example, after dinner? This may indicate an imbalance in nutrition, perhaps due to a new diet or, conversely, improper diet - fast food. We arranged a day off for ourselves, decided that you could live on a glass of mineral water and a cucumber. And then there was an inopportune desire to eat something sweet, flavored with a headache. So the body expresses its protest, he needs glucose. Stop mocking him, balance your diet.

With the wrong nutrition, when we eat on the run, squeezed all sorts of useless soda, the body gets too much carbohydrate. Considering this to be dangerous for himself, he urgently transfers carbohydrates to fats, blood sugar levels decrease, the body again regards it as a danger and sends a signal to the brain, as a result of which we want to eat something sweet.

Sometimes the desire to eat something sweet appears before going to bed, after it or at night. In this, too, there is nothing terrible. Thus, the body tries to make up for the lack of glucose in the blood, the fault of which is the wrong diet. In order not to wake up at night and not run to the refrigerator, you can try to drink a glass of water or milk for a night with the addition of a tablespoon of honey.

If you want a sweet all the time, always and everywhere, then it can talk about a serious nervous tension, constant stress. There is no longer a diet to be reviewed, and deal with the cause of this state of its own.

And the desire for sweet can be caused by the need for active brain activity - increased blood glucose will help. But only such a desire for sweets should occur from time to time, and not constantly.

Also, sweet can be required for the body with a lack of glucose due to any diseases or injuries, say a concussion or osteochondrosis. Just limit the consumption of sweet here, you can not, only the headache will work, you need to understand the source of such a problem.

Another dependence on the sweet can also be psychological. For example, since childhood, you are accustomed to seizing small disappointments with candy, and now, having received a note from your superiors or having broken your nail, we begin to eat cakes with kilograms, out of habit. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between the actual need for an organism in sweet and habit. The need to ignore is impossible, but with the habit of fighting - a pretty thing.

Why do you want sweet to pregnant women?

A pregnant woman may want a sweet one for several reasons. One of them is the lack of a female hormone. As a result, the mood falls and he wants to pick up something sweet. And of course, the sweet can sweep away in huge quantities because of the experiences, the habit of seizing stress candy.

These reasons are rather harmless, there is nothing terrible in this desire for sweetness. But there is one more reason, because during pregnancy, a strong desire for sweets may appear - these are internal diseases. Such diseases are a whole group, but their consequences can be prevented, if one does not neglect visits to their doctor.

Why do you always want a sweet before the month?

It's all about the hormone estrogen, or rather, its lack. Its level after ovulation sharply decreases and by the beginning of menstruation is at its lowest point. In the lack of estrogen makes a woman unhappy, she often is in a bad mood. That's why we try to eat chocolate before the monthly.