Cracks in the fingers - treatment

Hands - this is the part of the body to which, perhaps, most influenced by various negative factors of the environment. Here, and temperature changes, and a variety of household chemicals, and seasonal beriberi. All this leads to drying and thinning of the skin and, as a result, the appearance of cracks on the fingers and between them.

Causes of cracks in the hands and their treatment

  1. Insufficient care of hands. Under the influence of low and high temperatures, the wind of the hands can dry up and crack if it is not properly supplied with nutrients.
  2. The impact of household chemicals. Various means for cleaning, washing, washing dishes contain aggressive substances that cause drying of the skin, so it is advisable to use gloves when using them.
  3. Lack of vitamins A and E. Especially often observed in the winter and spring period. For its compensation it is desirable to eat more fruits, greens, nuts, olive, pumpkin and sesame oil.
  4. Fungal lesions. Treated with special antifungal ointments.
  5. Psoriasis and neurodermatitis.
  6. Eczema.
  7. Hormonal disorders.

Treatment of cracks in the fingers

To determine how to treat cracks in the hands, the first thing to do is to establish their cause.

In the event that they are caused by external factors, it is sufficient to limit contact with the source of irritation, and also lubricate the hands with nutrients and preparations that accelerate regeneration.

If the cause of the appearance of cracks was any disease, then a doctor's consultation is needed to determine the course of treatment, since in addition to applying a cream or ointment from cracks in the hands, it may be necessary to drink the course of special preparations.

In the treatment of cracks in the hands should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Wash your hands with decoctions of herbs that help to heal wounds: plantain, nettle, chamomile, calendula, lime color.
  2. To wash your hands, use as gentle as possible, preferably with a high content of natural fats.
  3. Several times a day, grease your hands with a fat cream, preferably a special one, from cracks, but in the absence of it any fat cream will do. Of the special creams should be used "Bepanten", "Radevit", D-Panthenol.
  4. In the case of deep cracks on the arms for treatment, you can use actovegin ointment or solcoseryl.
  5. It is recommended to drink a course of vitamins A, B, E.
  6. Increase in the diet of fruit, sour-milk products, rye bread.

Folk remedies for cracks on fingers

Tea tree oil is a good anti-inflammatory and accelerating regeneration. This oil can be added to the hand baths (10 drops of essential oil per glass of warm water). The bath should be done for 7-10 minutes in the evening, after which it should be lubricated with cream. Also, tea tree oil can be mixed with olive or grape seed oil (3-5 drops per teaspoon) and applied to the hands instead of a night cream.

As an ointment from cracks in the hands, you can use the following recipe:

  1. A tablespoon of a mixture of chamomile flowers, marigold , leaves of plantain and alternate is filled with a glass of boiling water and insisted in a thermos for 8 hours.
  2. After this, a tablespoon of infusion is mixed with a teaspoon of honey, add animal fat and grind until a thick, uniform mixture is obtained. Of fats are best suited badger or mink, but in their absence for the ointment, you can take and butter.

Store the ointment should be in the refrigerator, no longer than 5 days.

Oatmeal for hands:

  1. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey to the liquid oatmeal cooked on milk.
  2. Dip into the mixture hands for 10 minutes.
  3. Then they wash them with a decoction and apply a cream.

If all methods of treatment of cracks did not give the desired effect, you should consult a doctor to establish the exact cause of their occurrence and the selection of a course of treatment.