Ear pads

A modern person wants his surroundings to bring as much comfort to his life as possible. One of these moments is the right choice of earbuds for headphones , which many of us use every day. Not everyone knows that this strange word is just the name of the earplugs on the ear in the headphones, but their choice is not always simple, as it may seem to an ignorant person.

Types of ear cups

Do not just answer the question, which headphone ear pads are better, because each person chooses them depending on their preferences. In some, it is best to hear bass, while others allow the sound to dissipate, thus being more careful about hearing.

Headphones earpieces are divided into three types, and each one meets the specific needs of consumers:

  1. Circus-aural - this is the largest in size pillows, which are literally translated from Latin as "around the ear." That is, a soft cushion, is located around the auricle, which is very convenient and comfortable. In these headphones, sound from the outside does not interfere with listening to your favorite tunes.
  2. Supra-aural - "above the ear," or rather, they are located over the auricle, slightly exceeding its size. These ear pads are quite popular and refer to the middle price segment. But it should be remembered that such purity of sound as in Circus-aural will not be here.
  3. Intra-aural is a miniature copy of the overhead ear cups that are inserted into the middle of the auricle. In turn, they are divided into loose leaves (tablets) made of plastic and vacuum (silicone). Earpieces for inserts are not replaceable, in contrast to vacuum ones, which is not always convenient, and therefore vacuums gradually displace liners from the market.

Material for the manufacture of ear-cups

The average consumer is unlikely to understand what the headphone ear pads are made of. But for people whose profession has become music, as well as for avid music lovers, the choice of this accessory is very important.

The most expensive materials are velvet and velvet. They are pleasant to the skin, do not cause irritation and have excellent sound-dissipating qualities. That is, sound does not stay in this material and when listening to music it will be soft, not sharp. Skin and its cheaper analogue on the contrary - perfectly emphasize the bass and do not let the sound break out. Such ear pads are durable, hygienic and always in demand.

The most common are foam ear pads for headphones. And although the term of their service is small, it is compensated by their ease of use and relatively low cost. In addition, you can purchase replaceable ear pads, if old ones fail.

Well, as already mentioned, for miniature headphones use thin plastic (for liners) and soft silicone or foam (for vacuum). The cost of these materials is low, which ultimately affects the cost of the headphones themselves.

What to choose?

If you can not decide which earbuds to choose, you should take into account that those in which the ear cushions are located around the ear, will be more suitable for use in the room, because they are quite cumbersome and for jogging , walking in the park or going to the subway is definitely not good.

But those whose ear pads are superimposed directly on the auricle are a more mobile option, besides some models are foldable, which is very convenient. This choice is made by people who have problems with the vestibular apparatus, as a result of which there is an intolerance of the foreign body in the ear.

Well, the most popular, especially among young people, are vacuum headphones. They are inserted inside the ear canal and perfectly convey the sound, but it's not worth it to abuse loudness. And liners or tablets often slip out of the ear, because they are not deep, but they also act on the ear more softly.