Cancer of the tongue

Cancer of the tongue is an oncological disease characterized by the proliferation of epithelial tissue (flat epithelium) in the tongue. This disease is diagnosed, approximately, in 2% of cases from all diagnoses associated with malignant formations. Cancer of the tongue is a squamous cell type of cancer, i.e. affects organs that have epithelium.

Causes of cancer

The main reasons for the appearance of malignant education in the language are the presence of bad habits (alcohol, smoking, chewing narcotic compounds and mixtures) and previous organ trauma (biting, damaging teeth, incorrectly selected dentures).

An important impact not only on the mucous membranes, but also on the body as a whole, may be external influences (harmful working conditions of some professions), non-compliance with oral hygiene. It is also possible to provoke the appearance of a tumor of the tongue in the presence of an anamnesis of such diseases as:

Signs of cancer of the tongue

Almost all types of cancer at the initial stage do not show any special symptoms, which make it easy to diagnose the disease. With cancer of the tongue, the signs that should alert you are:

The color of the tongue in cancer is uncertain because of the local raids covering it.

All these signs are characteristic for 1 and 2 stages of the disease. At this time, as a rule, there is no increase in lymph nodes, the tumor in 2 stages has dimensions from 2 to 4 cm.

At stage 3 - the symptoms become pronounced, the pain becomes stronger, giving off in the temples, the back of the head, the ear. As the tumor grows, the tongue becomes less mobile, there are problems with eating and talking. Against this background, there are signs of general intoxication and weight loss.

The fourth stage, or neglected, is manifested by the germination of the tumor into nearby tissues. At this time, severe soreness limits the consumption of food, the mucous membranes are covered with manifestations, the tongue is practically immovable.

The first signs can be found by a person, with a careful self-examination, if they are located on the body of the tongue. With cancer of the root of the tongue, detection becomes problematic. But he is accompanied by a sore throat, impaired mobility of the tongue, problems with swallowing. Over time, there are pain in the throat.

Tumor Treatment

Treatment of cancer of the tongue, like all malignant tumors, involves a complex of actions. This is a combination of a surgical method and exposure to radiation. At stages 1 and 2, surgery is carried out with partial removal of the affected organ. At the same time, they try to preserve as much as possible its functions and the operation of the speech apparatus. At these stages, a laser can be used to cauterize, in the absence of metastases. At later stages, as well as with tumor growth, resection of nearby tissues and lymph nodes was shown.

The answer to questions about the treatment of cancer of the tongue and the prognosis of recovery can be given only on the basis of a case study and depending on the stage of the disease. In the first two stages, the percentage of recovery tends to 80. At stages 3 and 4 it is approximately 33-35%.

When treating cancer of the tongue, it is possible to use folk remedies that will help in the rehabilitation period and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy . For example, herbal rinse will help relieve inflammation in the mouth after the procedure. For this you need:

  1. In equal proportions, mix nettle, calendula, thyme and sage (1 tsp).
  2. Brew in a thermos boiling water and insist for 6 hours.
  3. Strain and add as much cold boiled water.
  4. Rinse with this infusion of mouth after eating for at least three minutes.