Scabiosa - growing from seeds

A very unusual plant - scabiosis - is perennial or annual, which often use the design of beds and alpine slides . It attracts flowers with its decorative form: these are large head-shaped inflorescences surrounded by wavy petals along the perimeter. Color buds are very diverse: purple, pink, yellow, sand, white, purple. Scabiosa is remarkable in that it easily coexists with other plants, which means that this quality can be used to create mixed flower beds. In addition, in favor of planting scabiosy speaks for the fact that it almost all summer pleases its bright flowering, true, with proper care. In addition, this beautiful representative of the world of the flora is quite unpretentious to care. However, in order to grow it, it is necessary to stock up some knowledge about the seed-growing of the scabiosa.

Scabiosis from the seeds in the open ground

Planting of scabiosa seeds can be carried out in the open ground or grow seedlings. Scobiosy is grown from an annual seed. Their germination lasts for several years. As a rule, in the regions with an early spring planting in the open ground produce in the first half of April. Sowing seeds should be seldom and shallow, sufficiently moistening the soil before it. On top of the seeds it is recommended to cover with a compost layer of 5-10 mm. In this case, one should not be afraid of night frosts, because the flower is cold-resistant. The first shoots can be expected after 1.5-2 weeks. When young plants are sufficiently sprouted, they need to be weeded out, leaving a distance of 25 cm between them.

Scabiosis flowers - growing seedlings from seeds

If in your region a rather cool spring, or you decide to plant a multi-year sort of scabiosa, recommends using the method of growing seedlings from seeds. For this, seeds are sown in the box (or any other container) in late February or early March. It is recommended to cover the box with a glass or a film to keep the humidity and place in a warm place (not below +15 degrees). Soil in the tank should be regularly watered and ventilated, removing the glass for an hour. And after 7-10 days, when the seedlings will be visible, the coating of the containers can be removed. After the appearance of several leaves, seedlings can be dived into separate pots or a box at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Shortly before planting young plants should be tempered by moving boxes to the street, first for 1 hour, and then gradually increasing the time.

Scabiosa - planting and care

Planting in open ground seedlings can be carried out in May-June at a distance of 20-25 cm for the plant suitable open areas, well lit by the sun. The flower is quite fond of the land: it grows well and blossoms on a light neutral soil with excellent drainage properties, moisture stagnation for scabiosa is fatal. It is recommended to bring manure or humus to the ground before planting (for each square meter 1 bucket).

For a good plant growth, moderate watering is necessary: it is important to wait until the top layer of the earth dries. In this case, do not over-moisten the soil, otherwise the roots of the plant will begin to rot, and it will die. But the drought of the Scabiosa flower is excellent. Many gardeners recommend from time to time to loosen the soil after watering the soil. It reacts well to the scabiosis and to fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which increases the size of the flowers, and their color becomes brighter and more saturated. By the way, to stimulate flowering buds that have already faded, you need to trim. And then the scabbio will decorate your site with its flowers until the fall.