Why does a child cry in a dream?

Sleep is the main activity of newborns and the secret dream of their parents. But most often it is with him in many families have problems. Does the child often cry in a dream or roll up a hysterics when they try to lull him? With such an illness, almost everyone is confronted. What happens to the baby, what worries him and if it's worth worrying about?

Why does a little baby cry in a dream?

Starting from the first days after the birth of the baby, many mothers face difficult times. Under the newborn's mode of life, it is difficult to adapt. Especially in the first months, when sleep and feeding change each other every 2-3 hours. However, a new problem is added to this regime - the baby is crying in a dream. For a young mother this is a difficult test. A kid can not say that he is worried, and experimenting on his state of health is the strongest test for any parent. However, it is worth remembering that the reasons for crying a child in a dream are not so terrible as it seems. Let's consider each of them in order:

Why does the child cry before going to sleep?

For those parents whose kids have crossed the border in a year and a half, the actual question is why the child cries before going to bed. This phenomenon also has several reasons, and all of them depend on the atmosphere that is formed in the family and the individual characteristics of the child's personality. Let's give some answers, why the child, before going to bed begins to cry:

What to do in such situations? Whatever the reason for crying before going to bed, it is important for parents to eliminate the very essence. Work on the fears of the baby, pay attention to it and try to keep it calm before going to bed. The best are logical or board games that do not cause an emotional explosion. If the baby is afraid to sleep alone, stay close until he falls asleep, and leave the lights on in the room. It also happens that the time when you put the child to sleep does not coincide with his biorhythm. In this case, it is better to wait 1-1.5 hours. Then the child's sleep will be more strong and calm.

Why does a child cry after sleep?

The question is why the child does not cry during sleep, but after waking up, parents rarely ask, but such cases also occur. There are several reasons for this:

Whatever the problem with the child's calm sleep, every parent should remember that it's up to us, adults, whether the next night will be quiet. To do this, you just need to be more attentive to your children. And together with them to overcome all the problems that arise at the first and cautious steps towards a great life path.