Massage with torticollis in newborns

Krivosheya in newborns is a very common disease associated with underdevelopment or damage to the sternoclavicular muscle. It is easily diagnosed at the first examination by a specialist: the baby's head is tilted towards the affected muscle, slightly turned in the opposite direction and slightly thrown back. With the timely start of treatment, the prognosis for recovery is very favorable - the symptoms will disappear without a trace. The complex of therapeutic measures includes:

Of course, with the curvature of babies it is better if the massage is done by the mother, this will allow the baby to relax in the process and will have a favorable effect on the result. To do this, it is advisable to undergo training and the first sessions under the supervision of a specialist. We bring to your attention the description of the key moments of the method of children's massage with curvature.

How to massage with curvature?

Massage with muscle krivoshee held in the original position of the child lying on his back. The head should be turned and tilted toward the injured muscle in order to be relaxed.

To begin massage it is necessary with easy strokes of hands and feet. Then you should move to the sternocleid muscle from the healthy side, to relieve tension and strengthen it. First, the movements should be stroking, and then you can move on to neat rubbing and vibration. The pads of the three fingers (except for the ring finger and little finger) should be carried along the muscle from the ear to the collarbone.

The injured muscle should be massaged with gentle movements. Pads of fingers should be carried out as well as from the healthy side - from the ear to the collarbone, then it is necessary to go to easy tapping, to replace them with vibrational, vibrational movements, which should be performed, we place the index finger and the middle finger on the palm side under the muscle. After a few minutes of this massage, the muscle should be gently and gently pulled - from the middle of the muscle in opposite directions. Particular attention should be given to the damaged area of ​​the muscle, rubbing it especially gently.

To enhance the effect, massage is best done in warm water at a temperature of 36 ° C. After the massage, it is good to carry out physical corrective exercises.