Allocations after ovulation

In the female body, a lot of changes occur, depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. And all of them are guided by hormones - estrogen in the first half of the cycle, progesterone - in the second. Under the influence of these hormones, among other things, the nature of vaginal discharge also changes. All changes are necessary to ensure the conditions for maturation, exit and fertilization of the egg, as well as the subsequent development of the fetal egg.

Normal discharge after ovulation

One of their characteristic signs of ovulation is an increase in the number of vaginal discharge. Compared with the first half of the menstrual cycle, they are more liquid and abundant, and in consistence resemble raw egg white and stretch between the fingers. Such watery and transparent discharge is observed a few hours before the release of the egg and can persist within the next few days after the onset of ovulation.

After ovulation, fluid secretions thicken. Their intensity also decreases - they become scarce. This is the reaction of mucus to the work of progesterone. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, its level rises, as it is necessary to preserve the fetal egg if fertilization has occurred.

Allocations after ovulation are sometimes colored in yellow, pink or beige colors - this should not scare you. Insignificant blood stains or slight changes in the color of mucus are caused by rupture of the follicle. Sometimes the cause of blood discharge after ovulation is the so-called "implantation bleeding" - when the zygote is introduced into the uterine epithelium. In this case, spotting spotting is observed on the 6-12 day after ovulation and fertilization.

Pathologic discharge after ovulation

The difference between normal bloody discharge and pathological discharge is in the presence of such additional unpleasant symptoms as itching, burning in the vagina. Sometimes these symptoms are supplemented by acute pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, fever and discomfort during urination.

All these sensations can be accompanied by a change in the nature of the secretions. Caution should be greenish, brown, earthy, gray discharge, as they are signs of various sexual infections.

It is during the period of ovulation that multiple infections worsen, and this process is accompanied by secretions of mucus, uncharacteristic for a healthy woman. For example, thrush often "wakes up" in the second half of the cycle, before the menstruation. At the same time there are white curdled discharge with an unpleasant acidic odor, which are accompanied by swelling, itching, reddening of the external genitalia.

Sometimes bloody discharge after ovulation suggests a violation of the hormonal background, erosion of the cervix, of neoplasms in the internal genital organs. The cause may also be used hormonal contraceptives, especially intrauterine devices.

In any case, the allocation delivers discomfort and makes you doubt, then you need to turn to the gynecologist. He will take a swab of flora from you. This analysis helps to identify a conditionally pathogenic agent of the disease. They may find, for example, such a common causative agent as Gardnerella, leading to the disease gardnerellez.

Its symptoms are similar to thrush, but have a different color and smell. The discharge has a gray (or green) hue, and a specific smell (smell of rotten fish) also joins. How to deal with the disease, you need to ask a specialist.

And anyway, any pathological condition, which is accompanied by uncharacteristic discharge after ovulation, should become an occasion to call a gynecologist and hand over the necessary tests.