Brown elder - medicinal properties and contraindications

Medicinal properties of red elderberry are known from time immemorial - they are used in traditional medicine. The composition of flowers, berries, leaves and bark includes a wide range of active ingredients - vitamins, essential oils, resins, tannins and organic salts.

Useful properties of red elderberry berries - infusions and broths

Red elder - this is a low tree or bush belonging to the Adox family. Red bunches of elderberry fruits look very decorative, so this plant is often planted for gardening.

The composition of berries of red elderberry includes ascorbic acid, rutin, amino acids, fatty and essential oils. To get rid of poisonous components, red elderberry berries are recommended to dry before consumption.

Infusion of dry berries with gastric ulcer



The berries are poured with boiled chilled water and insist in a dark place for about a day.

Infusion drink three times a day for 100 ml, the course - 1 month. After consuming the medicine, you need to eat 30 g of butter.

Infusion of fresh elderberry with diseases of the locomotor apparatus

Alcoholic infusion of fresh berries of red elderberry can be applied externally for arthritis, osteochondrosis , osteomyelitis, heel spur.



Berries are poured into glassware (3/4 volume) and poured into vodka. For infusion, the product is placed in a warm place for 30 days. Then the drug is used externally (for compresses).

Alcoholic infusion of flowers of red elderberry is used for asthma, colds, headache , pathological menopause.

Medicinal properties of bark, leaves and flowers of red elderberry

Recipe for infusion of red elderberry on alcohol



The berries are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 and left for 14 days in a cool, dark place.

Apply tincture of 10-30 drops 3 times a day.

Decoction based on the flowers of red elderberry is used to rinse mouth and throat mucous with angina, pharyngitis, cough, stomatitis.

Broth from the flowers of elderberry for the throat and oral cavity



Dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes at minimum heat.

Infusion of elderberry cortex with bronchitis



The bark is poured with boiling water and allowed to stand.

After a couple of hours, when the traditional medicine is ready, it should be taken - 100 ml 3 times a day.

Broth of leaves or young branches of red elderberry

They are used to relieve constipation, diuretic and diaphoretic.



Raw materials are poured with water, brought to a boil and left on minimum heat for 5 minutes. Use folk remedy for 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals.


In addition to the beneficial properties of berries of red elderberry, there are contraindications.

Red elderberry can only be used strictly following the dosage. In addition to nutrients, this berry contains amygdalin. This substance is transformed into hydrocyanic acid - the strongest poison, which calls for oxygen starvation of the body tissues, as a result of which cardiac arrest may occur. The most poisonous are unripe fruits.

Contraindications also include individual intolerance, a child's age and a period of pregnancy.

Using these folk remedies, you should remember about caution and do not exceed the dosage. Before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to discuss its expediency with the attending physician, the best option if he will monitor the course of therapy with folk remedies.