Why not kill snakes?

Many of us at least once in their lives met a snake in their path. The best thing you can do in this case, if the snake is not aggressive is to freeze in place and let it calmly crawl into a safe place for you and for it. However, this is not always possible. Sometimes, saving our lives or the lives of loved ones, we have to respond with force. Here the question arises as to whether it is possible to kill snakes and if not, then why not kill snakes even in times of danger.

Signs of the killing of snakes

It should be noted that various signs and beliefs associated with the meaning of killing snakes exist in virtually every nation in the world. So, in Russia it was believed that snakes are the protectors of the soul, and in fairy tales and legends, they always act as a wise judicious character who guides a man who has lost his way, morally. That is why the Slavic peoples had no intention of killing snakes. In case the snake crawled into the house, then killing her, you can call disaster.

In Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine there was a belief that you should not kill snakes because they were kind of brownies, protecting every member of the family . It was believed that under the house must necessarily live a snake family, the number of individuals equal to the inhabitants of the house. At night, they crawl into the house and heal and give their health to their guardians with their breath.

Snakes were also considered as harbingers of trouble. For example, in times of severe fires, snakes for a long time warned their owners of the danger, creeping out of the dwelling and hiding in a secluded place.

Of course, you can not believe in all this, because today we meet with these animals very rarely and it's rather difficult to meet them within the city limits. However, snakes are no worse than other living beings and have the same right to life. Attacking only in emergency situations, they do not pose a particular danger to a person, therefore, there is no special need to destroy snakes.