How do you know the sex of a child by popular signs?

Often, ultrasound does not get to know the sex of the baby, and Mom and all her relatives already want to start inventing a name, choosing pinets and other pleasant procedures. What to do? It's simple. As to how to find out what sex the child will be, there is a great many signs invented when the ultrasound was not even there.

Who will be born?

The people, of course, have long had a desire to find out who will be born: a boy worker or a prodigal girl. In the peasant family, the son is the father's assistant, the peasant, the creator of wealth. It is on it all the economy that brings profit: hunting, growing bread. A woman is a keeper, she should only support what the man has procured: prepare food from the products brought by him, take care of the cattle, and so on. The son will work for the family, bring her income, and the daughter will go to another family, work for others, and even give her a dowry: a complete ruin! Therefore it was so important who is there: a boy or a girl and how to know the gender of the child.

Divination by the belly of a pregnant woman

There were several dozen ways to find out the sex of the child by the signs : according to the shape of the abdomen, the appearance of the mother, the weather at the time of conception, and so on. For example, how to know the sex of the child in the shape of the abdomen. This is the most common method, and now many believe that if the belly of a pregnant woman is broad, vague, then there is a girl inside, and if sharp, it is a "stake", then you need to wait for the boy. They also say that if extra hairs appear on the abdomen, it means that the woman will have a boy, and if there is increased pigmentation on the stomach, then one should hope for the girl. Also argue that the boy usually "kicks" on the right, and the girl - on the left.

Mom's condition and mood

The sex of the child, according to people, can influence the appearance, behavior and health of the mother. For example, how else to find out the sex of a child by popular signs? If the woman has got prettier and blossomed, then she wears a boy, if, on the contrary, her appearance has suffered, then the girl. As for this sign, some doctors agree with her. They believe that such, indeed, can be, but the cause in hormones, which are differently produced in the body of a pregnant woman, depending on who she is. After all, hormones very strongly affect the appearance of a person. But no less they affect the mood of a woman. This, perhaps, is explained by the fact that the mother who wears the boy is cheerful and optimistic, whereas the one that awaits the girl is often in a gloomy, depressed mood.

It is generally believed that toxicosis is stronger and lasts longer, sometimes all day, in a woman who is expecting a male child.

Signs that are associated with food

Considering different ways of how to recognize the sex of a child by popular methods, one can notice a group of such people that are associated with food and food preferences. If, for example, a woman pulls on a sweet or crazy like citrus, then you need to wait for the girl. But if the pregnant woman is terribly drawn to meat or something salty, then the boy is on the way. In general, a woman, pregnant with a boy, eats more than the one that awaits the girl. And no wonder: a man needs more food!

In the old days, the pregnant woman was offered bread. If she took a crumpet, then they believed that a boy would be born if she preferred a crumb - a girl. Be that as it may, all doubts will be resolved when this great miracle happens and the baby is already in his arms. And love it will not be for the fact that it's a boy or a girl, but because it's a native blood, the appearance of which was very much awaited.