What does the pond dream about?

A dream in which the main figure was a pond may be a harbinger of both good and bad events, since everything depends on the other details of the plot. For example, it is necessary to remember what kind of water was in the pond, whether there were living beings there, and also take into account your own actions in a dream.

What does the pond dream about?

A well-groomed and beautiful pond is the embodiment of the harmonious state of the dreamer, who controls all areas of his life. If the pond was overgrown with reeds and water lilies, then life is diverse and it has both good and bad events. A large number of lotuses on the surface of the water in the pond indicates spiritual growth.

Why dream of swimming in a pond?

Such a dream is a favorable symbol, prophesying a meeting with the other half. In addition, you can count on an increase in work and success in other areas. If a person accidentally fell into a pond, but this did not upset him, then you should count on a big luck. A dream in which a dreamer bathes naked indicates that he is analyzing his life too carefully.

Why dream of a pond with fish?

Most often, a pond with fish is a harbinger of obtaining a large profit. If the pond were goldfish, then in the near future you can count on the fulfillment of the cherished desire.

Why dream of a pond with clean water?

Such a dream is always a positive omen and one can not worry, because soon everything will be fine. A pure artificial pond with fish means successful development of business and making a good profit.

What does a dirty pond look like?

A dream in which the water in the pond was dirty poses troubles, and they can touch different spheres of life. Sonnyk says that you need to prepare for family disassembly, and there is a risk that someone from close people will fall ill.