Glass electric kettle

The kitchen is not just a place for cooking. This is, first of all, a room where the hostess spends quite a lot of time and where usually the whole family gathers for food or tea. That's why we all strive to make our kitchen as comfortable and cozy as possible.

In this article we will discuss such an interesting kitchen gadget as a glass electric kettle. This is not just a tribute to modernity: such a kettle has its undeniable advantages over conventional plastic models. And now more.

Advantages and disadvantages of glass electric kettle

Of the merits of this kettle, we note the following:

  1. In the kettle we boil the water that we drink, and, of course, that the purer this water, the healthier our body will be. Unlike plastic electric kettles, in models with a glass bulb in boiling water, no harmful impurities pass from the heated plastic, because glass is considered an environmentally friendly material. Also, your tea is guaranteed to be free of extraneous tastes and odors, even with prolonged use of the kettle.
  2. The glass case of the kettle keeps the heat well, so the water boils very quickly, and cools a little longer than in a conventional teapot.
  3. It looks very effective, especially if it is a glass electric kettle with a backlight. In addition, the transparent tank is still convenient because the water level in it is always clearly visible and there is no need to look into the narrow window or inside the kettle.

As for the shortcomings , they are not so many and in comparison with the merits of the described device they are insignificant:

  1. The main "minus" is fragility. Despite the fact that glass teapots are made of strong, heat-resistant glass, if you drop such a device, it may well break. However, this applies to any glassware. You can also burn yourself on the glass case of the kettle or the steam coming out of its spout. Just treat your purchase a little more carefully - this is required by elementary security rules.
  2. If on a plastic kettle dust, dirt, grease and fingerprints can be invisible, then a glass product requires special care. Such a kettle should be regularly washed, scoured and wiped dry, so that it pleases the eye with crystal clear glass.

How to choose a glass electric kettle?

All glass electric kettles, despite the apparent diversity, have the same principle of operation. They can be of different designs, and this is already the matter of the taste of the buyer. Excellent looking glass kettles in the interior of the kitchen, designed in the style of "high-tech" : keep this in mind when choosing an electrical appliance.

Do not be surprised that your purchase is not entirely made of glass. When the water boils, the glass case of the kettle can become very hot, so it is always enclosed in a plastic "cover". In addition, the lid, pen and stand of such a teapot, most likely, will also be plastic.

Glass electric kettles with illumination are very popular now: some people buy them only in order to admire the bubbles of boiling water painted in an unusual bright color in the dark. There are also models with two kinds of illumination: when on and off, the kettle glows from inside with different colors.

Pay attention to the difference in prices for glass teapots. The more expensive ones have additional functions, such as shutdown in the absence of water in the tanks, scale filters, etc. Customers respond well to glass electric kettles with a thermostat: this function allows you not to boil water, and if necessary, heat it to the desired temperature (for example, for brewing tea, the necessary water temperature is 80-90 °, for dilution of infant formula - 60-65 °) .