Recurrent urticaria

Urticaria is a kind of allergy, manifested as a skin disease. A red-pink rash, blistering and itching bring considerable discomfort to the patient's life. Often, the disease appears repeatedly, specialists at the same time speak of a recurrent type of urticaria.

Causes and symptoms of recurrent urticaria

Recurrent urticaria is a consequence of sensitization (increased reactive sensitivity) to one or another allergen. In this case, the factors that cause an excessive reaction of the body, a lot. The most common are:

Treatment of recurrent urticaria

For effective treatment of hives, allergists advise first of all to eliminate (or at least reduce) the effect of the allergen that caused the disease. If the urticaria develops against the backdrop of some ailment, then one should treat this disease. To eliminate eruptions and reduce itching, antihistamine external agents are used in the form of creams, ointments, lotions. If there is edema, it is recommended that hormonal agents (steroids) and epinephrine (epinephrine) be administered. Good anti-histamine tablets are considered to be a recurring urticaria of a new generation:

In case of the onset of the edema of Quincke, which threatens with suffocation, are shown:

With psychogenic etiology of the disease, sedative-histamine preparations are prescribed:

The real salvation for the patient is hypnosuggestive and conditioned reflex therapy:

How to learn to live with recurrent urticaria?

Given the long-term nature of the disease, it is important to know how to prevent recurrences of hives. To this end, it is necessary: