Coffee scrub against cellulite

Cellulite - the problem of most of the fair sex, because. it occurs to some extent almost all, not sparing even skinny and very young girls.

In cosmetic salons with cellulite fight using a variety of methods: lymph drainage, ultrasound, lipostimulation, massage, wraps, etc. But there are more affordable methods that can be successfully applied at home. One of them is a coffee scrub against cellulite.

How does coffee help with cellulite?

Ground coffee is one of the most effective means against cellulite. In general, the action of scrubs is aimed at removing the keratinized layer of cells, purifying the pores, normalizing metabolic processes in cells and activating the blood circulation. When using scrub from ground coffee from cellulite, a beneficial effect is enhanced by caffeine. This substance stimulates cellular metabolism, removes toxins and excess fluid, splits subcutaneous fat, which destroys collagen and connective tissue. In addition, caffeine has the ability to compress blood vessels, so you can reduce the manifestations of varicose veins.

How to prepare coffee scrub from cellulite?

Here are a few simple and effective recipes that can be used every day during a shower.

  1. Scrub based on coffee grounds. Ground coffee (coffee grounds) pour boiling water and allow to cool. Apply Massage circular motions to problem areas with light pressure and rub 5 - 10 minutes. You can simply mix ground coffee with shower gel (but preferably with a neutral smell). After the procedure, the skin becomes soft and silky.
  2. A recipe with coffee and honey from cellulite. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of ground coffee with 4 tablespoons of any natural honey. Apply to problem areas and massage for several minutes. The action of honey helps to remove excess fluid and toxins from the pores.
  3. Anti-cellulite scrub based on coffee with sea salt. Pre-ground sea salt (5 tablespoons) combine with the same amount of coffee grounds and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil (you can take peach, almond oil or body cream). Before applying this scrub it is better to steam the body in a bath or a bath so that the pores open. With the help of this scrub also do massage on problem areas for at least 10 minutes. The elements contained in sea salt, beneficial effect on skin tone, help to align its structure.

Another plus of scrub from coffee is the activation of the nervous system and an increase in mood during anti-cellulite procedures thanks to the wonderful aroma.