How to cook a goose in the oven?

What mistress at least once in her culinary practice puzzled the question: how to cook a domestic goose? In fact, there are no difficulties, just need to know some secrets and do not expect to cook a goose quickly, as in one spirit. This bird does not like rushing.

How to cook goose correctly?

The bird is best bought a few days before the time when ruddy and fried it will land on your festive dish. Be sure to remove the remnants of feathers. Yes, yes, no matter how carefully the sellers did not pinch the goose, it's better to be a bit more jealous with tweezers. Then cut the first phalanx at each wing - when frying the goose they will burn, and the type of dish will be spoiled. After thoroughly wash the bird, salt it with salt and spices and place it on the cold for a few days. The skin at the goose will dry, the crust will become crispy and golden when fried, and the meat is softer and tender.

How to cook goose fast?

If you do not have a few days to stand the goose, send the bird for a couple of hours in the cold. Some landladies prefer pre-geese to boil about 40 minutes in plain water or beer, then the meat will turn out juicier.

How correctly to bake a goose?

To lay a goose on a baking tray follows a back up, as the meat of a bird in the area of ​​the breast is the most dry, and the resulting fat during frying will enable the meat to gain juiciness.

How to fry a goose in the oven?

If you are a fan of the goose stuffing option "the more satisfying, the more delicious", then this recipe for a baked goose should appeal to you.



Purified from the feathers and entrails of the bird thoroughly rinse, cut the phalanxes at the wings. Rub with salt and spices and send the goose for a couple of hours to the cold. In the meantime, prepare the filling: soak the bread in the milk, wring out. The onion is finely chopped and fried for fat. Goose liver, veal, loaf, onions and lard twice through a meat grinder, add eggs, season with spices, salt, mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. With the minced meat stuffed goose, then sew well, tie the legs. Put the bird on a baking tray and put in a heated oven. Frying is necessary 1,5-2 hours periodically watering with the allocated fat. Check the readiness of the goose, piercing it with a knitting needle - the transparent juice should be allocated.

How to cook goose with potatoes?

Almost every family knows how to prepare a stuffed goose with apples, but you can try to add potatoes to the filling.



Bird thoroughly wash, inside and outside, rubbed with salt and pepper, leave for 2 hours in a cool place. Potatoes are washed, peeled, cut into cubes and boil until half cooked. Apples peeled off, seeds removed, and cut into blocks. Stir potatoes and apples and stuff them with goose, then sew.

Put the goose back on the baking tray and bake in the oven for about 2 hours at a temperature of 200 degrees. If the goose starts to burn, then cover it with foil. Periodically, the bird must be watered with formed fat.

How to cook a goose in a gooseberry?

For the gusjatnitsy choose a small bird, so that the whole bird could fit in the dishes for frying. Prepared and stuffed bird will have to be put in a goose, pour a glass of water and put in the oven for several hours. Then take it out and lay it on the baking tray with the backside down for 20 minutes, so that the bird blushes, then turn over and leave for another 15-20 minutes for browning.