The device of a water warm floor

If you decide to insulate your house yourself and without much expense, then try to start with a warm floor. Best of all, for self-packing, suitable water-heated floor. Among all types of such heating it is he who distributes heat evenly, while protecting your relatives from electromagnetic radiation.

The device of warm water floors is based on the pipes installed in the floor, through which the heat carrier (water) continuously circulates, thus evenly heating the floor. Pipes are laid on the insulation and connected with fittings to the heating system, then make a screed. Such a design can be done independently, provided that the installation skills are available


How to make water-heated floors?

If you do not know how to make water heat floor, then here is a short, step-by-step instruction:

  1. Let's start with the purchase of the necessary materials, namely: thermal insulation, damper tape, reinforcement mesh, pipes (of polyethylene, or metaloplastics) and fastening for them. The working mechanism of the warm floor includes a collector and a cabinet for it.
  2. We clear the floor and lay the insulation. We glue the damper tape to compensate for the thermal expansion of the screed.
  3. We lay the reinforcing mesh, on it we place the pipes themselves (with a snake or shell) and fasten them. We make sure that the stacking step is from 10 to 35 cm. The distance from the tube to the wall is at least 7 cm.
  4. Connection of the warm water floor: we connect the pipe to the collector, we make the necessary number of circuits (length 50-60 meters), the outlet hole of the pipe is attached to the return collector. We check, putting water under pressure 1.5 times higher than the working pressure.
  5. We make screed with the help of special mixtures for warm floors.

For wooden houses use wooden water warm floors, respectively. In this case, the pipes are laid in the channels cut into the chipboard, or directly between the plates in the aluminum grooves.

Water warm floors in the bathroom are laid on the polystyrene system, as they provide for the subsequent covering with tiles. In this case, polystyrene plates are used as the thermal insulation, in which pipe grooves are pre-made. Pipes are snapped and fixed, and then covered with DSP, or GVL. Then you can lay the tile. The water-heated floor on the balcony has a similar design, but if the floor on the balcony is covered with parquet / laminate, instead of DSP additional insulation is used.

Scheme laying water heat floor for tiles and laminate:

La. Finishing floor (laminate)

2a. Thermal insulation

1b. Finishing floor (tiles)

2b. DSP, GVL, and so on.

3. Heat Pipes

4. Aluminum plates

5. Polystyrene slabs with grooves

6. Reason

Warm water floors in the house

Despite the common mistake, it is better not to make water warm floors in the apartment: it's forbidden to connect pipes to the central heating system, and in case of leakage, not only your floor, but also someone's ceiling will suffer. Therefore, the owner of urban apartments is better to lay electric, or film warm floor.

Happy owners of private homes should take note of a few tips on the operation of the warm floor:

  1. The best coating for the warm floor is tile, because it has a high thermal conductivity.
  2. When buying a laminate, pay attention to the conformity of the model to the warm floor.
  3. When using carpeting, be prepared for a lot of energy expenditure, since carpet is a good heat insulator.
  4. Do not independently lay parquet on warm floors, as natural materials are easily deformed under the influence of heat.
  5. The optimum temperature of the water-heated floor is 24 ° C.