How to lower the pressure at home?

Violations of the intensity of blood flow in the vessels are the most common problem among men and women of all ages. Therefore, every person, especially prone to such diseases, it is important to know how to lower the pressure at home. In some cases, simple activities, performed before the arrival of a team of specialists or a doctor, save lives.

How to lower the upper or lower pressure at home?

The fastest option, providing emergency normalization of blood pressure in the vessels - taking tablets. The most effective drugs in this case are the following:

There are also non-drug options, how to lower high blood pressure at home:

  1. Put on the feet a piece of cloth, impregnated with table or apple cider vinegar, for 15 minutes.
  2. Within 3 minutes perform a breathing exercise - to hold the air on each exhalation for 8-10 seconds.
  3. Make a warm bath for hands and feet. The initial water temperature is about 37 degrees, gradually it needs to be raised to 45. Strengthen the effect if you regularly make contrast baths.
  4. Perform massage of the collar area. If there is anyone to ask, it is better to further process the area between the shoulder blades, the back of the neck and the entire neck, then massage the scalp, starting from the forehead.
  5. For 15 seconds with the same interruption, press with your thumb on the point located clearly between the bases of the eyebrows.

You can take any natural tincture with a soothing effect:

The listed methods of reducing blood pressure will not always work, so it is important to take care of the long-term normalization of their condition. To do this, you should consult a cardiologist and follow his recommendations faithfully, as well as follow a diet with salt restriction in the diet.

How to reduce intracranial pressure at home?

Diuretics or diuretics help quickly reduce pressure between plasma and brain tissue:

In extreme cases, corticosteroids may be prescribed, especially if cerebral edema and inflammation have begun:

If it is preferable to use natural medicines, it is better to take the tincture:

How to lower eye pressure at home?

This condition is no less dangerous than the two previously described pathologies.

To correct the pressure that appears between the vitreous and intraocular fluid, the following tips should be used:

1. Apply special drops:

2. Take a diuretic:

Of folk methods, ophthalmologists are advised to pay attention to the various herbal tinctures listed earlier. They help to normalize the circulation of biological fluids throughout the body, including also the visual organs.