This cat - a real princess of Disney, and now you'll understand why ...

To be honest, the thoroughbred cat named Sochi is called Disney's princess completely disrespectful, but we hope that this is temporary and while the animators of the famous studio did not come up with the male version of Snow White ...

So, more recently, the user Imgur under the nickname "ctrlatme" posted a photo of his pet, intrigued by an unexpected signature:

"My cat, judging by everything - Princess Disney. And confirmation of this will happen right now and right before your eyes! "

It turns out that the fluffy handsome Sochi breed "Siberian Forest" was found during the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. Well, did you guess, in honor of which he received his distinguished name? Since that time, he managed to fly across the ocean and settle in the house of the new owner in Wyoming.

But not about these "fabulous" changes in life will be discussed in fasting. Cat really, really enjoyed living in a spacious house, being a pet of the family and walking with the owner for walks. And it was during outdoor games that the surrounding people noticed one amazing feature of this pussy - attracting people and animals to themselves.

And if people just wanted to come up and stroke the soft wool of Sochi, then the birds, dogs and other animals just went close to him without fear ...

In general, on walks with acquaintances the matter did not end - at a time when Sochi could not go out, he knew that he could go to the window and see what was happening there. Such a "koto-TV." But the most interesting thing is that the charm of the cat and the penetrating gaze into the distance really turned out to be magical, and after a couple of days unexpected guests began to visit his window: four squirrels, birds and a deer! The owner even had to place a feeder to treat his new friends to Sochi. Well, what do you not Snow White and her forest favorites?

You will not believe, but even after it gets dark, this good-natured cat still sits at the window for a long time and waits for someone to approach him! Here, look ...

And let someone think that it's all about the treats, you will agree - there is no charm and charm for this cat. It is so?