Bezdorozhevoy bread is a recipe

The bulk of bread, which is sold on the shelves of our shops, is baked on lees. But there are many people who are contraindicated for various reasons. What should they do? You can look for the sale of unleavened bread, but there is no guarantee that it really contains this important ingredient, and not in all stores, in principle, this is sold. Therefore, we recommend to recall the old recipes of baking on natural leaven and ordinary yogurt or yogurt. We will talk about such recipes in this article, where we will describe in detail how to bake unleavened bread.

Bezdorozhevoy bread in the bread maker - a simple recipe

This recipe is designed for 3 loaves of bread for 750 g. All the water that is used in the recipe is not necessarily boiled, stand-by or filtered.



Before we knead the dough, let's make the leaven for the unleavened bread. To do this, take 100 g of flour and also water, preferably warm. Mix and put in heat for a day, then add as much flour, water and again in heat for 24 hours. The leaven increases in size and bubbles appear. Once again we repeat the procedure and the leaven is ready.

For opary we take 100 g of flour, and as much water and all our leaven. We must sift the flour, mix everything thoroughly and leave it for an hour, then add flour and water, mix it and put it aside. After an hour, we repeat the procedure again. From the opaque, you can separate 200 ml and leave for the next leaven, and the rest of the mass is divided into three parts, tk. for the bread maker at one time this will be a lot. Pour one part into a bowl, add 170 ml of water, 360 g of flour, 10 ml of oil and salt. We bake bread on the program white bread. So do with the other two parts of the remaining gum.

Bezdorozhevoy bread on yogurt

Such bread is not at all troublesome and fast.



Kefir heat and add soda, it immediately begins to foam and increases in size, so the process is right. In a large bowl we sift the flour and pour out the salt, starch and sugar, mix. Kefir stood for about ten minutes and pour soy sauce and butter to it, mix it and add it to the flour. We knead the dough, we form a round bun from it, spread it on a baking sheet and cut the cuts on top so that the bread is well caked and not cracked. You can bake it in a special form, if you have it. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, put our dough, and under it utensils with water for best result. We cook about 40 minutes, depends on how much fried crust you love.

Recipe for unleavened rye bread in the oven

For this bread, the leaven is also prepared, as well as from wheat flour, only the flour is rye and better grinded and must be sifted.



We take a large bowl, only not metal, you can ceramic, glass, plastic, well, or enameled. Spread in not a leaven, pour out the flour, leaving a little for further mixing. In warm water, soluble honey, salt and oil, we begin to knead the dough, gradually adding water. We'll mix it on the table, torn with flour. We lubricate the mold or the baking sheet, we form the dough into a round cake or a brick for the shape, spread it, cover it and leave it for 2-3 hours. Bake for 15 minutes at 215 degrees, periodically sprinkling with water, then reduce to 175 and prepare another hour. We get out of the form, cover and let it cool down completely and reach.