The Mandala of purification from the negative

People exchange with each other not only with words, but with energy. Unfortunately, but not always it is positive. Many in their hearts say various unpleasant things, curse and desire death. People with weakened energy can seriously suffer from such energy flows, so it is important to know how to protect themselves.

The Mandala of purification from the negative

Esotericists believe that sacred signs have tremendous energy and if you know how to use them, you can cope with various troubles and problems. There are universal mandalas that can be used by people who need help.

To return luck and luck, you can use the mandala, which is called "Four Beams". The figure represents four yellow rays on a blue background, three of which are directed upwards and one is down. The blue color for the background is not in vain, as it cleans the energy and has the power to reflect experiences that can harm a person. Many people use the blue color during meditation . The yellow color of the rays is a symbol of the search for inner liberation. The middle ray directed upwards has a light green hue, which indicates a constant renewal of energy and life. In the center of the mandala, which returns success and prosperity, there is a circle of red color, whose main task is to activate, transform and purify energy.

How to use the protection mandala from the negative?

The picture is placed in front of you and look at the center, that is, on the red circle for 3 minutes. Then, on the lower ray, look down. Everything from the very beginning should be repeated at least 12 times. Then you need to loudly and confidently say three times your desire, which can sound like this:

"I withdraw from myself all negative programs and get rid of dirty foreign energy, evil eye, spoilage and other energy-information overlaps. From now on, no evil will penetrate my biofield. May it be so!"

After that you need to read the "Our Father" three times.

How to weave the mandala?

You can make for yourself a charm with the help of ordinary woolen threads and wooden sticks. Choose color to cleanse energy. For a small mascot you can take the usual toothpicks. Put two sticks together wind them in the center, and then one of them take away at a right angle and once again fix with a thread in the place of crossing.

We pass to the weave. Take the thread and stretch it from one end of the stick to the other, as shown in the figure. For fixation, wrap the thread around the toothpick. To change the color, tie a knot on the stick. To complicate the composition, you can add more toothpicks. Wear a ready-made amulet always with you.