Signs on Christmas for marriage

Christmas is one of the most important holidays of Christians. It was believed that on the night of the 6th to the 7th of January two forces compete - good and evil. Therefore, according to the beliefs, that night all sorts of miracles were going on. And among the youth it was customary to arrange fortune-telling . It was believed that on Christmas night you can find out your future. So, young girls in turn threw their boots at the gate and looked at the direction of the sock. In which direction the boot looked - in this direction the girl will marry. And what other signs were there on Christmas Eve before Christmas for a marriage?

Divination and signs for Christmas to get married

At Christmas, girls have been wondering in many different ways. They tried to guess what their fiance would be like, whether there was a long way to go, whether there would be children and how much, in what family they would enter.

On a dark night, when all the household members are asleep, the fortuneteller brought a rooster into the house. If he came to the table - it was a good sign for Christmas for a marriage. If the cock ran out of the hut, it was believed that the girl will remain unmarried this year.

And to find out who would be the groom, single or widower, the girls would go out to the fence and touch her sticks with her hands, repeating: "single, widower, single, widower". On what word the last pole will have, he will be the bridegroom.

Another sign of Christmas for marriage allowed to find out if the newcomer would be a future husband, or a local husband. The girl at night went out into the street and listened to the barking of dogs. If the barking was heard close - the husband will be local, if far away - a visitor.

Young fortunetellers walked under the windows of houses and overheard what they were talking about. If the conversation was warm and cheerful, it means that their marriage will be happy in their marriage, and if the speeches in the house were unpleasant it is a bad sign, meaning that the family life will be unhappy and difficult.

Young girls pushed the ring around the floor and watched which way it would roll. If to the door - it's a sign for Christmas Christmas for a marriage, if in the house - then to remain a maiden another year unmarried.

To find out what the future husband will be, the girl carried a chicken from the perch to the upper room, where she prepared bread, water, a copper, gold and silver ring in advance. If the chicken came to the water - the husband would be a lover to drink, if to bread - a poor man, if to a gold ring - a rich man, silver - prosperous, copper - a beggar.

Find out who will be in the family's main, the girls could by rooster and chicken. They put them in the middle of the bird and watched the behavior. So, if the cock starts to peck the chicken - the husband will be angry and angry, but if the chicken is brave before the cock - the main one in the family will be a woman. They also translated horses through the pole or shaft. If the horse was clinging to the shaft, it meant that the husband would be angry and angry, if he went over without touching - to a quiet and happy family life.

There were very many signs for Christmas for the unmarried. So, if an unmarried girl wanted to know her future, she would take a piece of bread, a block of wood and a kerchief and cover them with a pot. Afterwards, she closed her eyes and took a thing from the pot randomly. If there was bread - to remain a maiden another year without a husband, if the handkerchief - will marry in speed, if the tree - this is a bad sign, which meant death.

Another guessing - in a glass of water beat out egg white and put in the oven. After a while they looked at what happened. If the protein rises in the form of a tower, it means to be married, if it does not rise, to remain unmarried, and if the squirrel rises in the form of a quadrilateral it is to death.

They took logs of wood from the stove without looking. If there are a lot of knots on the log, the family in which the girl enters will be large. If the log is smooth - then live the girl in poverty and loneliness.