Hormonal drops in the nose are the main rules of choice and the most effective means

To get rid of the common cold, hormonal, vasoconstrictive drops in the nose and folk methods are chosen. The first option is the most powerful, but it is not written out so often, its turn comes when other approaches are ineffective.

How do hormonal drops in the nose?

Sometimes the problem refuses to disappear under the influence of standard washing, then the doctor can prescribe hormonal drops. They counteract inflammation, eliminating the cause of increased mucus formation. This makes it possible to instantly remove itching, stuffiness and frequent sneezing. A positive result is achieved in 1-2 minutes and is maintained throughout the day. Hormonal drops in the nose remove anxiety, but are not a substitute for full-fledged therapy, because they do not counteract viruses and bacteria.

What are the dangerous hormonal drops in your nose?

Substances do not violate the common hormonal background, exerting a pinpoint effect. After application, they are synthesized with plasma and output. Drops with hormones will not cause complications with adequate application, but if you do this for too long or without the doctor's control, you can get negative effects, among which:

Hormonal drops from the common cold will have an adverse effect in case of personal sensitivity to any ingredient. Sometimes the opposite effect can be observed (there is a characteristic relationship with childhood), therefore, these formulas are not prescribed for a child under 4 years old. To prevent complications, you need the supervision of a specialist who will necessarily replace the remedy with a more suitable one.

Hormonal drops in the nose - names

Because of the powerful influence of hormonal drugs for the nose, a list of which is presented below, a doctor should select. It's easy to make a mistake and choose a drug that is not suitable for a particular case.

  1. Nazonex. Gently affects, is indicated in pregnancy and children over 2 years. Side effects are rare, the most notable is a headache.
  2. Baconazine. Assign with an age of more than 6 years, well eliminates inflammation and allergic course from the nose. It is forbidden to spray in the case of herpes. During gestation, close monitoring of the doctor is required, so it is rarely prescribed.
  3. Aldecin. It affects how the previous hormonal drops in the nose, but because of the lower concentration it is permissible to use from 3 years.
  4. Fliksonase. Works well for allergies, one spray per day is enough. Pregnancy and lactation are not an obstacle, but a doctor's observation is required.
  5. Nazarel. It works in a similar way, it is contraindicated in lactation.
  6. Avamis. Suitable for young children and pregnant women, it is undesirable to use for violations of the liver.
  7. Nasobek. Has an impressive list of adverse reactions, so you need to monitor the doctor.

Hormonal drops in the nose from the common cold - names

All of the above means are suitable for eliminating the annoying flow from the nose. The doctor will prescribe hormonal drops in the nose from the cold to prevent and eliminate allergies and treat sinusitis . In the first case, the drug is used solo, in the second - is included in the complex of measures. The result is greater resistance to external influences, removal of inflammation, antitoxic and anti-shock effects.

Hormonal drops in the nose from drug rhinitis

After prolonged treatment with vasoconstrictive sprays, a dependence develops, which makes normal breathing impossible without additional nose treatment. In order to overcome drug dependence, dose reduction programs, a replacement for a drug of another group, or drops with hormones in the nose can be made. The latter option is used when other techniques did not work. The effect is achieved through a different principle of action without developing attachment to this drug.

Hormonal drops from nasal congestion

Nasal passages in this case may look clean, so rinsing does not help. Hormonal preparations for the nose eliminate swelling, inhibit the inflammatory process and return normal breathing. The highest concentration is achieved four hours after it hits the mucous membrane. This point should be taken into account, if you want to improve breathing at night, then you need to drip hormonal drops in your nose 2-3 hours before bed, so as not to wait for the beginning of the drug and be sure of maintaining the effect throughout the rest period.

Hormonal antiallergic drops in the nose

Especially effective are hormonal drops in the nose from allergies, bright manifestations disappear after a few minutes. Puffiness is eliminated, breathing improves and reproduction of mucus comes to normal. In some cases, therapy is supplemented with drugs of a similar effect to the eyes in order to achieve a better result. The complex of measures makes the condition easier.

Drops with hormones from the common cold help with seasonal disturbances during flowering plants. Good impact is observed at the initial stage, in advanced cases it is difficult to completely get rid of all the symptoms. Treatment begins with 5 irrigation, then their number is reduced to 1-2. The drug copes with symptoms, but full-fledged therapy necessarily includes antihistamines, suppressing the processes that lead to an allergic reaction .

Hormonal drops from sinusitis

The disease begins with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which worsen the process of breathing. The action of hormonal drops in the nose is aimed at eliminating negative manifestations and accelerating recovery. The appointment is made only by a doctor, because the problem can not always be cured by therapeutic methods. And it is also necessary to take into account contraindications - violations of kidney and liver, glaucoma and age of up to 3 years.

Hormonal drops in the nose with sinusitis give a more lasting effect than vasoconstrictors due to deep penetration and improved mechanism of action. Not always this option is optimal, at a risk of purulent discharge it will not be so effective, therefore experts recommend medicines with antibiotics. Independently they can not be selected, in the absence of the result, the sinusitis will progress and cause many troubles.

Hormonal drops with polyps in the nose

With this problem children are more often acquainted, suffering feeling of zalozhennosti and raspiranija in a nose, a nasal voice. Hormonal nasal drops can be used from 2-6 years depending on the composition. If the child is younger, they are not allowed to use them, because the risk of causing a negative effect is great. To improve the condition, 1-2 treatments a day are enough, but a complete cure is possible only with surgical removal of polyps.

Hormonal drops in adenoids

Nasopharyngeal infarcts often appear in children, rapidly growing and bringing a lot of trouble. To alleviate the symptoms and inhibit progress, the process can be prescribed to the nose on a hormonal basis. Enough of one use per day, exceeding the dose will have the opposite effect. At late stages, the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced, therefore only surgical intervention is used.

What hormonal drops in the nose are better?

Drugs differ in their intended use, which is determined by the main component:

The best hormonal drops in the nose are those that best suit the situation. It is determined by the attending physician, who must take into account: