What does the crocodile dream about?

Crocodile is on the list of the most dangerous animals for human life, as rarely did anyone manage to survive after meeting such a reptile. Most often, dreams of a terrible "murderer" are a warning of any danger. So that you can prepare for the tests and learn about the events of the future, use the proposed interpretations. Preliminary it is recommended to carefully analyze the sleep taking into account all the details.

What does the crocodile dream about?

Often such a dream is foretold by deceit on the part of close friends. In addition, during this period, your enemies may become even more active. If you feed the crocodile from your hands and try to tame it - this is a sign that you can find a common language with one of your enemies, but this truce will not last long. Seeing how a crocodile is tormented by another animal means that in reality you will witness a dishonorable act that you can not influence in any way. If you see how reptiles fight, this is a sign that in the future a serious conflict will arise in the environment and you should not interfere with it, as the consequences can be deplorable.

A dream in which a reptile chases you on land is a positive symbol. If you could be saved, things will soon improve, and the most serious problems will be solved by themselves. Walking on the backs of crocodiles in a dream, means, in reality you should expect trouble, but you can overcome them. You should be stimulated by the fact that all the forces expended will be rewarded with dignity. A night vision in which you see only the eyes of a crocodile that look out of the water is an omen of the fact that in real life you underestimate the present danger. A dream interpretation recommends being as cautious and collected as possible. If you managed to catch a reptile, then with existing problems you can cope without anyone's help. By the way, they will arise solely because of your frankness.

Why dream a little crocodile?

Such a dream can be considered a warning that in the future you will be surrounded by ill-wishers who are hoping to see your fiasco. The dream interpreter recommends a "purge" in the circle of friends.

Why does a big crocodile dream?

If a large reptile attacked you and left traces on your body - this is a harbinger of what an insincere friend will soon betray and harm you that will leave deep wounds in your soul. Another such dream can be interpreted as a warning that one of the enemies will try to find allies among your close friends.

Why dream of killing a crocodile?

In this case, night vision can be considered an omen of the fact that you can take the upper hand over a strong enemy. If you are hunting reptiles - this is a symbol of wealth in real life.

Why does the crocodile bite?

Attacking a reptile is a symbol of how soon you will be able to learn the true intentions of one of your so-called friends. Another dream can be considered a harbinger of victory over enemies.

What is the dream of a dead crocodile?

Such a dream can be considered a symbol of a stable and calm flow of life, without any special joys and problems. In the future, you can significantly improve your financial situation.

Why does a woman dream of a crocodile?

For a single woman, the nightly dreams in which she fed the reptile will tell you that you can get into a situation that could significantly impair the reputation. If a woman experiences joy at the sight of a crocodile, then soon one should expect a marriage. For a married fair sex, such a dream is a symbol of possible betrayal on the part of the spouse.