Pricks in the abdomen during pregnancy

Often in women with pregnancy, after the appointment of injections in the stomach, there is panic. First of all, the pregnant woman thinks that something is wrong with the baby. In fact, everything is not so. Thus, drugs are introduced that belong to the group of anticoagulants, - agents that reduce the density of blood, improve the circulation of this biological fluid throughout the body.

What are the injections and when do they get pregnant in the stomach?

As you know, during the period of bearing the baby, the load on the mother's organism, including the cardiovascular system, increases several times. It often happens that the blood becomes thicker, as a result of which the amount of incoming oxygen and nutrients to the fetus decreases, oxygen starvation can lead to pregnancy fading, miscarriage at any time.

Indications for the appointment of anticoagulants during gestation are:

In such situations, the prescription of a doctor during pregnancy puts the injections of Fraksiparin and Kleksana, in the stomach. In this case, the dosage, frequency and duration of use is determined by the physician. Other anticoagulants that are acceptable for pregnancy include:

Do I need to get pregnant in the stomach?

In order to determine the need for anticoagulants, a hemostasiogram is prescribed. This type of laboratory test allows you to determine the ratio of blood proteins: prothrombin, antithrombin. At the time of diagnosis, thrombin time, lupus anticoagulants are taken into account. The normal values ​​of these indicators are shown in the table.

The decision on the appointment of anticoagulants is appointed based on the results of the analysis, the severity of the disorder, the likelihood of complications of pregnancy.

With regard to the method of administration, the injection into the region of the white line of the abdomen allows to exclude the risk of development of hematomas, t. in this area there are fewer vessels.