19 cheerful ideas for an informal wedding

Add a twist to your main day.

1. Before the wedding, arrange a training day, so that guests from the bride and groom meet and feel more comfortable at the wedding.

2. Subcontract grandmothers to be the same girls who scatter rose petals from baskets.

3. Waiting for a banquet, guests can be offered waffles.

4. Bengal lights are always a great idea for a photo.

5. Self-irony never hurts, on your wedding day as well.

6. If you have a path to an improvised altar, you can decorate it with the history of your pair in pictures.

7. For receptions outside the banquet halls, food-cars are a great idea.

8. For dancing at the wedding, you can make a special personalized shoes (and of course, wear it long after).

9. Arrange your own brasserie.

10. A lot of sparkles do not happen, the sparkling floor is not too much.

11. Try to decorate an unusual area for holding a banquet with balloons. Here are great ideas!

12. Sometimes to ask the bridesmaids to dress up in bright and colorful colors is more interesting than sticking to a strict color scheme.

13. Toilets can be decorated with your children's photos.

14. Fun games from a school camp are often more fun than a toastmaster comes up with. And if you do not have enough ideas, peep them here !

15. With a light movement of the hand, the wedding dress turns into a comfortable one for the dance floor!

16. If there are children at the wedding, think about their entertainment.

17. Cola or whiskey?)

18. You can serve ice cream for dessert, because cakes usually do not climb anyone.

19. An alternative to a classic bouquet of a bride.

That's how they are done.