Postpartum depression - how to fight?

What is postpartum depression is well known to almost every woman giving birth. Instead of feeling joy and happiness, fear and sadness settle in the soul. Constant anxiety, irritability, sometimes even to the baby, self-doubt, apathy - all these are symptoms of the so-called postpartum depression.

The reasons for the occurrence of this disease are in fact a lot, and they are diverse. Depending on how long the postpartum depression lasts and what are its causes, you can look for ways to overcome it. Also, how to deal with postpartum depression affects the degree of its severity.

How to cope with postpartum depression?

Doctors distinguish several types of spleen after birth:

  1. Postpartum stress is simply a depressed state that occurs in every woman a few days after the birth of the child. Such a mood is considered quite natural due to the fact that the woman faces unknown to her to this day duties. Increases the sense of responsibility and anxiety for the baby. Often, mild postpartum depression passes by itself, when the mother gradually gets used to her new role, the hormonal background comes back to normal, lactation is established.
  2. When the real postpartum depression begins, here already it is necessary to think seriously, how to get rid of it. With postpartum depression, a woman may encounter both after natural delivery and after cesarean. Most often, the main cause of this condition is physical and moral fatigue. Ways how to get out of postpartum depression should be looked for together with the spouse, and also do not hesitate to ask for help from relatives. How can we cope with postpartum depression:
  • If postpartum depression is treated as something frivolous and does not fight it, then in the future it can develop into postpartum psychosis . This is a serious illness requiring medical care, and sometimes hospitalization.
  • It is not superfluous to note that postpartum depression occurs in men. Dads, of course, are less susceptible to this disease, but it also happens. After all, the appearance of the child makes adjustments in the life of each member of the family.