Simple New Year Salads

The question of filling the New Year's table worries every hostess on the eve of the holiday. We advise you to make some traditional dishes - herring under a fur coat, olivier, and a couple of simple New Year salads.

The recipe for a simple New Year's salad



Potatoes are boiled in a uniform, cleaned, rubbed on a large grater and put the first layer on a dish in the form of a monkey face. Slightly lubricate the surface with mayonnaise and distribute the next layer of boiled, finely chopped chicken fillet. Again, make a mesh of mayonnaise and add salt to taste. Sprinkle abundantly with grated cheese, and then with boiled egg whites. We select the zone of the nose and eyes with sweet corn, decorate the salad at will and serve it to the New Year's table.

Simple New Year pineapple salad



The bulb is cleaned, shredded with half rings and poured with boiling water. After 10 minutes, discard it in a colander and dry it. Canned pineapple and boiled chicken fillet cut into small cubes. Eggs are cleaned and we rub individually whites with yolks. Now lay the salad in a square shape with layers: chicken fillet, onion, pineapple cubes, squirrels and yolks. From the top we grease the salad with mayonnaise, sprinkle with chopped nuts and decorate as desired.

Simple and delicious New Year's salad



Boiled chicken fillet cut into cubes and spread on a flat round dish, placing in the center of a wide glass. Arbitrarily smear meat with mayonnaise net. Olives shred by semicircles and spread from above. Fresh cucumber shinkuem and distribute the next layer, having poured to taste and greasing with mayonnaise. Now sprinkle abundantly grated cheese, lay out on top kiwi, thinly sliced ​​and decorated with walnuts. Then gently remove the glass and serve the salad to the table.

Simple salad to the New Year's table



Eggs boil, clean and together with tomatoes and fish cut into cubes. Lettuce leaves are washed, dried and torn into small pieces. Now mix all ingredients in a bowl, season with lemon juice, sprinkle with ground pepper and mix well.

Recipe for a simple and delicious New Year's salad



Bread is cut into strips and browned in preheated vegetable oil. Salted cucumber thinly shred, and beef pre-boil and cool. After that, we disassemble the meat into fibers. Potatoes are washed, boiled in a uniform, cleaned and cut into cubes. The bulb is processed, shredded by semirings, slightly podsalivaem and kneaded hands. Boil the peeled egg with a knife. Now put all the prepared ingredients in a deep bowl, season with mayonnaise, mix thoroughly and serve for about an hour, when the crumbs are slightly soaked and softened.