Fat content of cow's milk

Today practically in any refrigerator you can find milk - this product is used both independently and in the preparation of beverages, sauces and dishes. The fat content of milk is influenced by many factors, and from this article you will learn about them.

Fat content of homemade milk

The composition and fat content of the milk depends directly on the cow's diet. The more caloric its food - the higher the fat content of the product. On average, a typical village cow gives milk a fat content of 3.2-5%.

Fat content of cow's milk

In the stores you can find a wide range of cow's milk - whole, lean, vitaminized, melted and high fat. Each species has its own characteristics:

Thus, knowing only the fat content of cow's milk, you can already imagine how close it is in composition to the natural sample.

Than useful milk?

Cow's milk, the fat content of which is 2.5-3.2%, may well be included in the diet of a person when losing weight. However, to consume milk is recommended to everyone who does not have intolerance, since this product has a number of unique properties:

Having included in your daily diet only 1 glass of milk, you will help the body to strengthen the entire bone system, improve the condition of hair, skin and nails, and most importantly, provide yourself with many vitamins in easily digestible form.

Harmful properties of milk

Milk is not tolerated: the lactose contained in it can provoke an intestinal disorder, so many are forced to abandon this drink.

In addition, milk is a good breeding ground for bacteria, including those harmful to the human body. In connection with this, the use of milk, which does not have documents to verify, can lead to poisoning.