Tea with honey - good and bad

Tea with honey - a favorite drink of a huge number of people, especially during the active spread of viral infections. In addition, his adherents of proper nutrition love.

Benefit and harm of tea with honey

The composition of honey includes many vitamins, amino acids and other important substances. As for tea, it is considered one of the most useful beverages for both health and slimming. Many people like to drink tea with honey and lemon in the morning to bring the body to tone.

What is the benefit of tea with honey:

  1. Thanks to the presence of a large amount of fluoride, the drink is an excellent prevention of caries and various diseases of the mouth.
  2. Tea helps to cope with stress, fatigue and insomnia.
  3. The use of tea with honey and lemon is to increase the protective functions of the body, which allows it to better resist the negative effects of viruses and infections.
  4. The drink has a positive effect on the eyes, so experts recommend drinking it 3 times a day for people who work at a computer.

Tea with honey is also useful for losing weight. First, it is due to the thermogenic property of honey, which allows you to remove excess fluid from the body. Secondly, honey activates the metabolism and favorably affects the activity of the nervous system, which is especially important when dieting, as the body experiences stress. Tea with honey at night for weight loss is useful in that it helps to satisfy hunger, thereby reducing the risk of eating harmful food for the figure. In addition, such a drink provides a good and sound sleep.

It is worth talking about the possible harm of tea with honey. Do not exclude the individual intolerance of the product. It is not recommended to add honey to water, the temperature of which is more than 40 degrees, because the nutrients of the product will disappear and carcinogens can be released.