Sinus Lifting

Atrophy of the gum tissue leads to the fact that the face is deformed, the position of the surviving teeth changes. In some cases, the planned implantation of teeth must be canceled because of a significant reduction in the size of the jawbone. Experts to correct the defect recommend a sinus-lifting procedure. Most people, far from medicine, would like to know that this is a sine-lifting.

Sinus-lifting is a microsurgical technology in dentistry, aimed at restoring the bone tissue of the jaw. The procedure is organized as follows: Implantologist, having made a narrow hole in the gums and bones, slightly shifts the bottom of the maxillary sinus or nasal sinus. The osteoplastic material is injected into the formed cavity, which will replace the bone tissue, due to which the jaw volume increases to a thickness that allows placing implants.

Types of Sinus Lift

Open sine lifting is performed with a significant lack of bone volume in the lateral areas of the upper jaw. Sinus-lifting of the upper jaw in dentistry is considered a rather complicated operation and is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. An opening is made in the gum and jawbone.
  2. The cavity of the maxillary sinus is widened.
  3. Introduced artificial bone substance.
  4. The wound is sewn up.

Closed (soft) sinus-lifting is carried out when there is a bone of height not less than 8 mm. The made cylindrical hole in the place of installation of the future implant is filled with bone-plastic material. After this procedure, the dental implant is inserted into the prepared hole.

Balloon sinus-lifting is considered the most gentle way. Its advantage is that a miniature catheter with a balloon is installed under the mucous membrane. Filling a mini-balloon through a catheter with a special liquid causes a gradual and painless flaking of the mucous membrane. Implants are installed immediately after the introduction of a bone substitute.

Preparation for sinus-lifting

The specialist before the operation carefully examines the maxillary sinuses of the patient to make sure that there are no anatomical features preventing sine-lifting. The examination is carried out by X-ray and clinical methods. Prevent sinus lifting sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, the presence of polyps in the nose and multiple partitions in the sinuses. In the absence of obvious contraindications, the patient before the operation can be prescribed medications - antibiotics and steroids.

Complications of sinus-lifting

The postoperative period of sinus-lifting lasts about a week, and a specialist should be observed a month. At this time, the patient is advised to carefully exercise hygienic procedures, exclude physical activity. It is also important to prevent infection with viral and respiratory infections. All these measures are aimed at not causing displacement of the material inserted into the sinuses and preventing the formation of an inflammatory focus in the healing of tissues. Certainly, the determining condition for a favorable outcome of surgery is the skill of the doctor and the correctly organized postoperative period. After a sinus-lifting the following complications can be noted:

Attention! Smoking significantly worsens and lengthens the recovery period after surgery.

In recent years, patients with a strong atrophy of bone tissue and a small number of extant teeth are recommended a more innovative technology - basal implantation, which allows to do without bone build-up.